
MCPE/Bedrock Ultima...
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MCPE/Bedrock Ultimate Parkour

Illustrious Member Admin

Ultimate Parkour


This parkour have all things that a speed runner want all maps have timers there is easy map medium map and hard map and expert map


One point in the scoreboard means 0.1 second (2 ticks) ( 1 tick means 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds). 

Instant mediafire download (no ads).

Social media: yt: Fastzajac Games


These photos are edited to make it visually nicer (the terrain is same as in map) (same jumps as in map) 

This map is not complete if u found bugs please inform me in the comments

Medium difficulty : idk what jump is hardest ? 

Hard diffuculty: hardest jump: 1 block neo

Expert diffuculty 2 book neo 


Easy Diffuculty: Hardest jump: 1 block up 2block side 2block jump

I reccomend use it with some shader and use it in Midnight for best visual experience. 


Terms of use:

You can mod or edit this map and make a download on social media but you need to credit me and put the original map McBedrock link also you need to do not use ad links 

You are allowed to make a video about this map but keep original links


The giant update V1.0.4

fixed the text bugs (in description/intruduction) and in game updated the resource pack and lot more things ingame


I reccomend  u to use the resource pack



Click on the download link


Please use at least 8 chunks render distance. 


creator: Fastzajac


Topic starter Posted : 04/06/2020 12:04 pm