
MCPE/Bedrock Void P...
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MCPE/Bedrock Void Parkour

Illustrious Member Admin

Void Parkour


This is the second map I have built and uploaded to mcpedel. this map is completely built by me I had no help apart from the testing by BMDubbs622 huge thanks to them here is a link to his and my YouTube channel 


my testers-



This map is the “sequel” the 1st map really had no story so yea this is the map this map took about the same amount of time as the 1st map Mabey a bit longer I have to thank CatAstrophe7777 they are the person who made this map possible with their void world here is a link to the world download. 

also, I have a trailer for the map here you go 🙂 

In this map, you simply jump over 12 challenging levels can you make the fabled 5 blocks jump its been tested and is 100% possible ist just extremely hard good lick and have fun.

this map is the second parkour map I have built, this one is a void world  provided by

CatAstrophe7777 they this a great spawn and I love it. you can tell the difficulty of a level by

the color of the concrete I used to build it. also, this was a tad bit harder to build the reason for that is I had to build a line then make the parkour from scratch. also, this map is multiplayer compatible haw about that :). 

the content of this map includes but is not limited to a tricky but possible 5 block jump 

a beautiful spawn built by CatAstrophe7777 

a difficulty measurement shown via the color of the concrete    

also, the end of the map is just a simple design of quartz bricks and stone walls

there may be updates in the future..

this is the second hardest map because it’s only my 2nd map 

there will be more maps once this map gets accepted but that’s a big IF   this is the 6th time I have attempted this I have zero clues what to do because there are no guidelines to help me hint hint….. this will be the 6th attempt so please help me 

this map is a progressive map it gets way more difficult as the map progresses  you can tell this by the color of the concrete so yea its a hard map and it took a long time ti build it the map is a void world and it was hard to build the parkour i had to make a line of blocks and mine the number of blocks I needed for the jumps this map was not hard persay but it was more repetitive than any thing and ard you build not to mention… hope you enjoy and please follow me on YouTube and Twitter. my names are in the map in the rules section.  


I explained more in-depth of the map-making process  I hope I make It this time 



just click on the file I provided and it will automatically download then all you have to do is click the file and it will start importing the file and then just play it

creator: strikeout playzYT



Topic starter Posted : 31/08/2020 10:44 am