Void Parkour
This is one of the best Void Parkour Maps.
Map Created by shubhjain2008 and Romanear4064277.
In this map you will experience different types of Parkour like : –
Slime block jump
Water Parkour
Invisible Parkour
Luck Parkour
And all types of other jumps
This maps comes with a spawn and a great church like building which has a spiral of jump and there are also spawn point after every certain type of jump. So that people do not rage and break their phone or computer.
Want to get more info
Please watch my video and help my channel grow
Please don’t claim that the map I your
If making a video please mention the the creater and also the mcbedrock link.
If you have any suggestions or problem
Please message me on Discord
What is Parkour??
Parkour is type of map which helps you to know different type of jump and also helps you in different types of gamemode so that you can douge or jump through gaps and also confuse the enemy.
This map toke us days to build so please appreciate our hard work and also share it with your friends and family. The map also has spawnpoint which will help you to get through the Parkour coure more easily and that also without quitting and also helps you to complete the map.
Add alot of information as I was told by the admin.
creator: shubhjain2008