Bedrock prison 2
In this map there is a Ultimate Bedrock prisons which you have escape For that you need skills, iq and to know minecraft mechanics to escape this Prison Can you escape this Prison?
To escape this map you need to go to Room 1 to collect the key for Room 2
Then in Room 2 to open Room 3 door
Then in Room 3 you need to climb up and get to centre to go Room 4
In Room 4 you need to solve all the puzzles and get to the exit
And if you lost any of the item you can't reset the map so you have only one chance or start the map again
Reset button not available
@Tilak Gaming
Map Snapshots:-

More harder than previously
Unnecessary things remove
Many Bug fixed
Tested by 10 different people's more than 100 times
Download the .mcworld file
Open that file using Minecraft
Check minecraft worlds you will find there