
MCPE/Bedrock Find T...
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MCPE/Bedrock Find The Button

Illustrious Member Admin

Find The Button

This is literally a Find the Button map. The only difference is that you can collect items called "collectibles". Depending on how many collectibles you have determines your score.1 collectible = 1 point. This can be used for competitions if you wish to play with friends.


This world includes different structures and different puzzles sometimes. One of those puzzles is parkour. 

These are hints for those who have trouble finding the button. 

#1: It's in the water

#2: It's underneath a rock

#3: It's under a certain bench-press

#4: Redstone

#5: In the foot of the beast.

#6: look up at the beginning of the level

#7: in one of the hedges behind a fence

#8: in a certain hole in the beginning

#9: under a chest in the shed

#10: In one of the tall trees

#11: Do the parkour

#12: Get the lever in the chest that a giant arrow is pointing at in one of the corners, then use that lever to open the door in the middle where the button is hidden on the floor.

#13: really easy to find

#14: in the gold chest

#15: get the two concrete powders, place them in their respective holes, then find the button

#16: Dripleaf parkour and the button will be on the top of the sakura tree

#17: parkour across until you go up some item frames acting as steps and go onto a cloud

#18: parkour up the brick building into the wool building, get the key and go to the next building, go in and take the next key which will lead you to another hint of where the button is.

To those of you wondering, yes this is my channel. I will post map videos on here. Let me know what kinds of maps you want me to make.

This video will give you some previews on some levels of the map. I hope you enjoy. The background music isn't mine btw. I just found it in the video editor, I have no idea whose it is but whoever made it, kudos to you. Let me know which one of the levels was your favorite. 

creator: Mabelthegodofdestruction

  • Added more images to help you see what kinds of levels I am making.
  • edited the world to make it run smoother


Topic starter Posted : 09/09/2021 9:28 am
New Member

Not that bad 6/10

It has it's good sides and bad

For example very annoying level with mosnters, also 17 is not beatable because you didn't place stairs or at least I didn't have them, only 4 blocks of stairs. And the buttons spam is pretty bad, it makes player not look and explore the map but press every single button which makes map worse. And I could tell more but I feel lazy

Posted : 21/11/2021 4:46 pm