
MCPE/Bedrock Find T...
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MCPE/Bedrock Find The Button!

Illustrious Member Admin

Find The Button!


Find The Button features a bunch of different levels where you have to find the button, it features levels such as Farm, Desert, The Nether, Mirror, etc. We have worked a few weeks on Redstone and designing on this map. I think it was worth it in the end. Hope You Enjoy Playing Through.

By KittenMcL307, chickensouptime, and JewishHippo262


Find The Button by KittenMcL307, chickensouptime, and JewishHippo262 is a map where there is a hidden button on a bunch of different levels and you have to try and find it. The levels have different difficulties. The map won’t tell you what the difficulty is on each level, so it makes it more challenging. There are also a few troll buttons that will not work that may seem to easy so try not to get tricked. We put a few weeks of work into this project and the graphics, the design, and the Redstone are all very unique. We hope you enjoy playing.

Click Here for the Socials of the Main Builder





    If you use the .mcworld file, you can just open it in Minecraft and it will add the world to your worlds folder and it will show up at the top of your world list once the installation was confirmed successful.



    If you choose to download the .zip file, you must download it to your device/console and then use an application/service to convert it into a .mcworld file.


Installation Videos

    Installation Video iOS Devices: Click Here

    Installation Video Android Devices: Click Here

    Installation Video Windows 10: Click Here

creator: Kittenmcl307


Topic starter Posted : 16/09/2020 5:48 pm