
MCPE/Bedrock Find T...
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MCPE/Bedrock Find The Button BIOMES!

Illustrious Member Admin

Find The Button BIOMES!


Welcome! This Find the button map has 15 levels to complete. It ranges in difficulty and progressively gets harder the more you go on. Please let me know if there is anything I can add to this as this is my first map. Leave a comment if you have any ideas on what I can make next. This map can be played Multiplayer!

Map made by ProdigyPhoenix5 (me) and tested by some of my friends, limelightaragon and alicat28. Credits to you for trying my map. 


If you are unsure on how to play find the button, it is pretty simple! All you need to do is look for the button in each level and that will take to the next. These are some of my favourite levels. Have fun and enjoy!

Pictures below


1. Desert biome with a village

2. Swamp with witches hut

3. Mushroom biome


4. Snow/Ice biome



Don’t underestimate the level difficulty as they can be pretty difficult but look so easy!


A hint button coming soon depending how hard you think it is...





 If you use the .mcworld file, you can just open it in Minecraft and it will add the world to your worlds folder and it will show up at the top of your world list once the installation was confirmed successful.



If you choose to download the .zip file, you must download it to your device/console and then use an application/service to convert it into a .mcworld file.

creator: Prodigy_Phoenix5



Topic starter Posted : 12/11/2020 5:18 pm