
MCPE/Bedrock Flood ...
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MCPE/Bedrock Flood Escape! (Update v2.0)

Illustrious Member Admin

Flood Escape! (Update v2.0)


Did you guys ever see people play a green flood escape on Java edition? Now here is a bedrock version of another green flood escape. Although it isn’t any neo but it’s still harder then you thought! Click into this page and check out more.


This flood escape map is a parkour map! You need to escape to the top and stand on the gold block to win!

Here is some photos of the map!

You will start the parkour from the diamond block you see on the right.

And stand on the gold block to finish the map!

Other photos:

A tiny maze shouldn’t even call a maze because you can 100% tell where the road is.

A place will shot arrows!


There is some settings you can choose:

1. You can choose the language of Chinese or English as some people is bad at one of those language.

2. You can let people invisible while playing as some people think other player will block there sight.

3. You can choose different difficulties.




very hard

If the difficulty is more harder, then flooding speed will be more faster.

Opening this setting will absolutely make you crazy. If the flooding is too far away from the highest player in the map, it will increase the flooding speed.

It’s possible to play very hard with this setting but it’s almost impossible for 87% of the minecraft player.


Special features of this map:

-For single or multi player.

-Custom texture pack

-Reset infinite times

-Display settings to the screen for whole time

So, download and enjoy the map!

By the way, check out my channel

Bug fixed:

-Now the state will no longer moving around the lobby suddenly, or copy itself multiple times.

-Now after being a spectator and didn't press anything. You press start will no longer invisible if your invisible setting is off.

(Before it will be still invisible)


-Now it will display the difficulties and invisible or not on the screen for ever

-add new sound effect

-add new texture


-Now you can't change the difficulties and press "increase rising speed if flood is far away" buuton while other player are playing

(I thought it will be very cool if you can change the difficulties while player. But later on i find that it's just annoying)

Change some spelling mistake in this passage.

Once again sorry for my bad grammar.




Download it, and open any file manager and move the downloaded file to games/com.mojang/mimecraftWorlds.

Then unzip it.


Just download and press into the file.



Topic starter Posted : 01/10/2020 11:04 am