
MCPE/Bedrock Granit...
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MCPE/Bedrock Granite Peak Escape

Illustrious Member Admin

Granite Peak Escape


A series of rooms and hallways lead to a dark, mob-infested cavern. Test your fighting and exploring skills, avoid dead ends, choose your inventory, and outsmart wicked traps along the way. Granite Peak Escape’s treasure, tricks, and terror await!


Exits in floors, sunken chests, zombies, and archer mobs: there are plenty of challenges on the way to the cavern. Keep moving, as mob spawners are common. Even though this is in survival mode, the lack of pickaxes and wood will prevent you from harvesting blocks. Inspect every chest that is out of your reach. They are the best source of food, weapons, and armor. 

Many of the exits are on the floors. Some are covered by trap doors, others are filled with water. A few, including two in the beginning, you just have to close your eyes and jump. If you don’t move water will ease your fall.

Along the way signs will show you the way to the next room.

There is a water passage under two rooms. When you see this obsidian you are close to the exit.

Figure out a way to the exit. There’s always a way, but some use less of your stuff than others.

Be careful. Not every door is meant to be open. Most of the chests are very helpful.

When the rooms were carved out, care was taken to preserve the natural formations, when possible. You will see granite, diorite, andesite, and iron, gold, emerald, and lapis lazuli ores as they were created, but no longer surrounded by stone. 

If you make it to this room, you’ve escaped from Granite Peak! Avoid creative mode. This is a very doable adventure, once you know how to find the chests and escape the traps. 

Thanks to those who helped.

PS if you like this survival map, check out my other (more difficult) adventure, Castle of Flamar. 


Fixed mcworld file link error that was keeping world from being accepted.

Added and subtracted a few skeletons, zombies, strays, and a husk.

Corrected default game mode from creative to survival.



Topic starter Posted : 27/09/2020 5:44 pm