MCPE Escape Room 5
MCPE Escape Room 5 is another map if you have to escape these room. The map can plays in multiplayer or singleplayer. If you want to see all maps, go to this URL. [NOTE: The webpage is in Spanish. Translate with Google Chrome Web Browser] Good luck and enjoy it.
1. Download as MCWorld
2. Go to your Download storarge
3. Press on "MCPE Escape Room 5 - MCM Tuber.mcworld" file (Automatically opens Minecraft PE, wait for these messages: "Level inport start", "Level Inport finished succesfully" - NOTE: If you see this message: "Level Inport failed", download ZIP mode)
4. Search the world. Play and enjoy
1. Download as ZIP mode
2. Extract the file "MCPE Escape Room 5 - MCM"
3. Move the folder "MCPE Escape Room 5 - MCM Tuber" from your Download storarge, to storarge/emulated/0/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds
4. Open Minecraft PE
5. Search the world. Play and Enjoy