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Spike Temple
Spike temple by Lingga jp is a template map that presents quite challenging obstacles and it is also pretty scary. For example, look at the following photos. Attention, this map is in beta process so apologize if there are errors or bugs.ADDON BY URIEL ZERO
and thanks for your review and comments 🙂 I am happy if someone comments on my fold
On March 15th I will update this map.
I also want to thank uriel zero (making addon) so this addon is not my addon but it is clear I made this map.
This map was inspired by the movie / game "JIGSAW" so I thought about making this map. This map is still in beta and there are still many bugs. I promise I will fix the mall so thank you. 🙂
creator:Lingga jp
Topic starter Posted : 09/12/2020 11:46 pm