
MCPE/Bedrock The Im...
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MCPE/Bedrock The Impossible Escape! [SINGLEPLAYER ONLY]

Illustrious Member Admin

The Impossible Escape! [SINGLEPLAYER ONLY]


The Impossible Escape

It’s Big Brain Time!

Welcome to the Impossible Escape where you will have to do various puzzles, riddles and obstacles to obtain freedom from this place. This map will test everything about your brain, this means that it will affect your brain cells. You are inside a wide white-gray room, you have been imprisoned because of something stupid that you disobeyed, your general objective is to escape and get out of this room. Free yourself and have a happy life.

This is an adventure/puzzle/parkour map, this map uses a custom sound resource pack, so increase your volume up to atleast 60 percent.

This map is intentionally designed to make you mad, if you think you have an anger issue, then don’t play this map. If you think you can hadle the madness that will happen in this map, then good luck. This map uses the motto of “It’s Big Brain Time”. That means that this includes using your mental skills. And of course, physical skills. This map is a parody of unfair maps originated from java edition, It was also inspired by other unfair maps, I named it Impossible Escape because there is already an existing map that is called Unfair Escape by Thehappywheels1 from java edition. The purpose of unfair maps is to challenge yourself through these awful and hard obstacles without messing it up. An unfair map cannot forget its troll, so watch out. What makes this worst is there are no checkpoints, each level has its own difficulty. So if you accidentally die, then you will go back to the start

General Tip: Always check your inventory


You have been warned. This map will likely cause you to throw your phone or any device you are using, so it is up to you if you want to do this challenge.

If you are stuck in that one level, figure it out, it may take you long to figure this all out. But I believe you can do it, good luck and have fun!

Not all texture packs was made by me. Credits are in the map.




All levels are tested and possible


May 31, 2020

- Fixed some unintentional mistakes including the command block that says "hi" at the end of the map after you beat the Guards.



Play this map in a latest and newer version, this map have some newer features that has been recently added to minecraft. Recommended version: 1.14.60 BE/PE Edition.

The texture pack download will not be added as long as anyone wouldn't complain about the texture error or texture not appearing

This map is still in beta or still in working, please report any glitches, errors or bugs



Topic starter Posted : 01/06/2020 11:36 am