The Stone Games
Welcome to the Stone Games. I had a random idea pop in my head one day for what to make my next map be. So here it is. This map is basically a mixture of other maps, such as, parkour, mazes, puzzles and other stuff. The map has many different paths you can take. So, you have to do a pick-your-path kind of thing. The map has a total of 9 different stages or levels. The higher the number is on the stage, the closer you're getting to the end. It is possible though; you could be either sent back a stage or sent forward a stage. If there are any mistakes or concerns to the map, please leave a comment so I can fix the map if needed. Thanks for downloading and good luck.
-stage 1: stone bricks
-stage 2: mossy stone bricks
-stage 3: sandstone
-stage 4: prismarine bricks
-stage 5: smooth stone
-stage 6: deep slate bricks
-stage 7: end stone bricks
-stage 8: red sandstone
-stage 9: dark prismarine



creator: DerpBoi24