Ultimate Find The Button
HOWDY! Looking for a Hard task? Well this map is for you! This has some difficult Find The Button maps! Still more coming soon!Check the main description! for more info! The map took alot of work to do 1# Area Overworld (Easy mode)2# Area Beach (Medium mode)3# Area Cave (Hard mode)More information on main description Please Do NOT upload this to other apps without permission!

The Cave area You must find 2 buttons on the 3rd level when you find the first button you have unlock the second button leads you through the next level (coming soon)

The Beach This area is on Medium mode, try to find the button there is only one but can you find it?

The overworld this is on easy mode maybe you can find it easily?
Find all the buttons now and have fun this took so long to make i will add somemany more levels next time! This is a beta test so you can try it out now!

Your in deep underground think hard to find the button level Difficulty; Hard the map is very big can you really find it?

This map is on the sky try to not fall!
New spawning area
More information on the Changelog
- New level The Deep UnderGround the nether your in deep place find the button and dont fall on lava...
- New level the sky! When you reach this level you will need to find the button without falling...
- New hint books there is hint books every single level! Read them when you need a little help
- New skip when you started you will get a skip level (if you dint got the lever go creative and get 2 lever)
- New Spawning area Inspired By hypixel Click on a sign or npc to teleport
- New off or on Treadmill!
After you get the zip decompress it and copy paste the Ultimate find the button world Through the Mojang.com paste it on the minecraft worlds And you can try it out!
Fancy Graphics
Remove the fancy skies to get less lag!
You can get this requirements to settings!
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSkC2COeDOr5wTKLvDnJ8Q