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MCPE/Bedrock X-Mas Find The Button

Illustrious Member Admin

X-Mas Find The Button

Who likes find the button? If you do, come play this map! A christmas special find the button, just for you! Find the button is basically where a button of any kind is hidden around the map. Ready to test your scavenger hunt skills?

Credits to Voyxe_Official for helping me build the map!


Find the button X-mas edition is where the map is usually covered in things related to christmas. There will be a hint in every level, (except the bonus on) to help you if you get stuck in the level.. For those who do not know what's find the button, find the button (FTB) is basically where a button is hidden around the map. You have to find the button and push it to progress to the next stage.




  • Several level designs fixed/changed
  • All hint displays changed
  • Walkthrough removed from map
  • Credits now changed to Voyxe_Official
  • Now you will spawn in adventure mode instead of creative
  • Items will now be cleared from your inventory when you progress to the next level
  • All items in chests have been changed to avoid confusion


Download the .mcworld file


Download the .zip file and import into your world if the .mcworld file doesn't work (Usually when you're minecraft version is higher than the version in which the game was made)


Topic starter Posted : 27/12/2021 2:04 pm