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Xenocraft : Alien Infection | Chapter 1 : The Forgotten Lab
Hello fellas!, i see you're interested to this map, what are you waiting for? C'mon download this map! but first you need to read all the information down bellow! for make sure you're not in the wrong place to download XenoCraft adventure world!
Chapter 1 : The Forgotten Lab
This map is an adventure maps, you can play with your friends here!
it's also single player maps

watch the trailers!
Chapter 1[]The Forgotten Lab :
.McWorld file:
step 1: download the link down bellow
step 2: click the file, and enjoy!
.Zip file:
step 1: download the link down bellow
step 2: extract the file into your mc world folder
step 3: open your Minecraft
step 4: have fun!
Topic starter Posted : 11/03/2022 9:31 am