Arena PvP (Map/Minigame)
Arena PvP is a minigame that consists of practicing and improving in PvP with a capacity of up to 8 people per game for the best and most epic PvP battles that you can play.
-You can play with up to 8 players.
-It has up to 3 types of PvP kits to choose from.
-You can change the schedule between day / night.
-The map repairs itself, but in case of a bug there is a button to repair the map.
-To increase the number of players in a world use this command:
/ setmaxplayers 8
YouTube: TerraWorld6
Discord: TerraWorld6
How to install map in our worlds?
• Download and install Mcworld
• Click on the file and it will be exported automatically in your minecraft.
Doubts and suggestions?
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