BattleCraft is a competitive pvp multiplayer map compatible with teams that allow players of the same team not to attack other team members, with Call of duty scenariosHijacked•Killhouse•Nuketown•The map has 5 game modes:Training mode•Zombie mode•1vs1•4vs4•4vs4 captures the flag•
Maximum 8 Players
To play they must select the game mode

Hijacked 1vs1

When you enter Hijacked it will take you to the waiting lobby and the game will not begin until the second player enters game mode since it is one on one, when the second player selects the game mode a 10-second countdown will begin then the players will appear on stage and the game will have begun

When the Game has begun, players will see a list on the right side of the screen indicating the points of each player, 2 points are obtained when you kill the opponent, The goal is to kill the opponent until he reaches the amount of 20 points , You can get weapons at the base where you reappear

If the second player kills you, you will appear in a room where you will have to touch the button to reappear on the game stage and continue until a player reaches 20 points

The game ends when a player manages to make 20 points and is detected as a Winner
Killhouse 4vs4

When you select this game mode it will take you to the waiting lobby as in the previous game mode but in this case the game will begin when the 8 players select this game mode
When the game has started, the 8 players will be divided into 2 teams: the Blue team and the Red team, each team will have 4 players, and all players will be given weapons to kills off the opposing team
El objetivo es capturar la bandera del equipo contrario, al tocar la bandera el equipo recibe 1 punto , se detecta al equipo ganador cuando logran llegar a 20 puntos
Zombie Mode
Cuando seleccionas este modo de juego te llevara a una habitación donde podras equiparte armas y la vision nocturna para poder tener una mejor vision ya que el lugar es muy oscuro y esta lleno de zombis

The goal is to escape from zombies, for now it only has one level available and you can play it offline or with friends

Training Mode
Selecting the training mode will take you to a room where you can equip yourself with weapons and practice to improve your skills, you can do it offline or with friends

Nuketown 4vs4
Selecting this game mode will also take you to a waiting lobby until the 8 players select this game mode
At the beginning of the game the players will be divided into two teams: red team and blue team, players of the same team will not be able to attack each other
When killing players of the opposing team receive a point, the goal is to make 20 points to beat the opposing team, when a team reaches 20 points it is detected as a winner

Several errors have been corrected
creator: Karindroid