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MCPE/Bedrock Cash and Luke’s PvP Gun Maps

Illustrious Member Admin

Cash and Luke’s PvP Gun Maps


You may know that the biggest gun mods/addons have multiplayer functionality! But you don’t have any quality maps to play on with your friends. Well then this map is just for you!



Gun Mods such as Actual guns 3d and Actual guns CSO ARE NOT included in this map and require separate downloads from their respective pages that i will link in  the installation description.  You may have to switch to creative in the beginning to fill out gun chests, more on that will be highlighted in green in the “gun shop” section of the description.


This is the lobby area, here you can access the gun shop, armor shop and teleport to the maps.

Places within the Lobby:

Gun shop:

This is the gun shop, here you can choose out guns, perks and customize your loadout (more on both of those in a bit).

Custom Loadout system :

When in the gun shop, players can make a specific loadout of guns for themselves. First, players will take from the selection of guns on the wall labeled “guns” (shown below) . From there they can take guns, ammo, or perks (potions) and put it in their custom loadout barrels. There are 3 custom loadout barrels. Once done, players will press the “set loadouts” button to lock them in. Once in a game, players can access their loadouts at their respawn point. All loadouts must have a lever in them (this will be explained further down).

area to access guns, ammo and perks You may have to fill in the guns yourself. There are some stars in the clerk area of the store, go through the pathway and follow the sings. Then in the main store press the refill button. After that the mod will be completely usable in survival.

This is the gun range inside the gun shop, here you can test your aim and speed using the built-in timer system.

Teleportation area:


Across the street from the guns store here is where you’ll be able to teleport to the different maps. More maps will be coming soon!

Maps and game modes:

There are 2 game modes; FFA (free for all) and TDM (team deathmatch). Of all 3 maps in the game, two are FFA and 1 is TDM.


All FFA maps are small in size; limited to only 3-4 players depending on the map. All FFA maps have respawn boxes.


All TDM maps are two sided. TDM maps have infinite player capacity and are only limited to map size. Once players choose a TDM map, they then choose which team they are on and what side they want to respawn on.

 *some TDM maps will give you the option of starting new rounds once a full team has been eliminated. This is represented by a kill all button at a team’s side of the map.

Remember we will keep adding maps in updates!


33rd Plaza Hotel

33rd Plaza Hotel is a 3 floor FFA map with a working elevator and respawn boxes (we’ll get into that in a bit)

33rd street

33rd street is a gound based FFA map with sniping positions in one of the buildings and has respawn boxes


Killhouse is a small 3 lane 1v1/2v2 map.

Respawn boxes and how they work:

This is a respawn box. They are scattered crossed FFA maps. Players MUST get into these before they start the game. Otherwise they will spawn back in the lobby. Here you can access your loadouts that you customized in the gunshop using the buttons. Remember the lever we told you to put in your loadout? Here is where it comes in action. Place the lever on the golden block that’s on the wall. Then pull down the lever. This will close the iron door behind you and lock your respawn point. It’ll be reset once you press a button in the map that teleports back to lobby (all maps have this) and your spawn point will be set back to lobby.


Respawn system will most likely be revamped in later updates


Credits: Lukiboy (lead developer, redstoner)

Yes i am the same Specialcash1376 that is semi active in both Actual guns discord servers.

I do not claim any ownership over Actual Guns 3D or Actual Guns CSO

All rights to Actual Guns 3D belong to Pixelpoly Digital

All rights to Actual Guns CSO belong to Azozgamer 936


  • updated description for acceptance




Topic starter Posted : 12/01/2021 10:32 am