
MCPE/Bedrock Crazy ...
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MCPE/Bedrock Crazy PvP Minecraft World (95% Done)

Illustrious Member Admin

Crazy PvP Minecraft World (95% Done)


This is a semi-professional Kit pvp server. In this kit pvp server world you will have many things. you will have a starter kit, 8 levels of parkour, a giant pvp arena, a unfinished but basically done boss fight arena, 2 kit shops (1 kit shop is cheap kits, the other kit shop is more expensive kits), a sell area (there are generators in the map, they spawn in emeralds and diamonds, sell those for in game cash),  a regular shop with shields bows etc, and finally, a haked item shop. Enjoy! 


This is my old Kit pvp map, its filled with complicated commands. commands include: Money System, N0-player offline. kit buying. boss arena. parkour area. supply crates. lag clearing. selling areaand HACKED items. 


1 ) added new extension to the roof

2) added new action-bar title to the game

3 ) diamond gen speed decreased from 165 ticks to 200 ticks 




-This is how you install and play the map.

1 ) Download the File (link below
2 ) it will take you to ad fly, skip the ad and wait about 20 seconds to be brought to media fire
3 ) download the map


creator :


Topic starter Posted : 08/06/2020 12:01 pm