Flooded Cave PvP
It's a battle to the death!Imagine being archeologists, studying ancient rock formations, when all of the sudden... Bang! You fall down a sinkhole with all your friends, finding yourself in an ancient flooded cave tomb. A massive tribal spirit appears out of nowhere and says: "How dare you disturb my slumber... As penalty, you all must fight to the death! Only the last victor will make it out. I never said alive....".

So you're telling me I can fight my friends in a PvP arena?
Yes! That is what I am saying. This massive cave has everything you need to fight. Parkour, multiple levels, water, far drops, and a center point to control. This is just a template. If you want things such as game matches, or rising lava, or something, you should contact us at our discord, where we can add it for you. But don't worry! You don't need any commands to make this work. Just teleport all your friends inside, give them some armor, and let the games begin.
Okay, but I want special features!
If you want to make a functional game, then it's actually quite simple! Just put loot in the available chests, teleport everyone, and give everyone resistance "255" for 5 seconds. /effect @a resistance 5 255 true. This means no one can take damage for these 5 seconds, allowing them to get where they need to go. You can put these in command blocks to make it automatic. Want the chests to auto-refill? Just use a /clone command. In the command: Type this: /clone ~ ~-1 ~ ~ ~-1 ~ ~ ~2 ~. How does this work? Well, first place a chest, and fill it with what you want. Then, place a repeating command right above it, with the command above in it. Add a 200 tick delay, and voila! Refilling chests!

When installing this world, first press the download button (not zip), which takes you to the full download site, with all the features listed above, as well as a quick download.
Assuming you pressed the download button, wait 6 seconds for the top right corner to say "skip". Press it. Then scroll down until you arrive at the free access button, press it, and you will be taken to the download site.
Make sure to finish the assigned task(s) to continue. For the "read news article" task, press it, wait 10 seconds, and close. You don't have to waste time on the articles.
Once all tasks are done, the download will be complete, and all you have to do is locate the black box and press the blue download button inside. The purpose of this method is to securely give purchasers their download link, without people pirating or corrupting the site.
A file will open if you have done this all correctly, which when pressed will export the world to your Minecraft worlds. (Please note: Make sure to have Minecraft open first.)
If the file is a (.zip), you will have to convert it to a .mcworld for it to work.
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp0_XjjcSZE7DHGPBeckQkA