
MCPE/Bedrock Guardi...
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MCPE/Bedrock Guardians

Illustrious Member Admin



Welcome to Guardians. It’s a PvP boss fight, where one person is chosen as a Guardian and the rest are Knights. The Knights must team up against the Guardian, while the Guardian uses their wit, strength, and surroundings to finish off the Knights. It’s like Juggernaut, but with more interesting gameplay. 

Reminder: Please do not turn the items I the map selection as it will break the selection process.


There are 5 arenas to choose from: Classic Plains, Lava Laconicum, Whaling Waters, Traps n’ Tools, and Demolition Desert. In each arena, there is a Guardian class that suits it best. There are currently 10 Guardian classes and 5 Knight classes, more to be added in the future. The Guardian is gifted with a special ability to aid them in battle, ranging from homing fire missiles to charged creeper fireworks. More information on each Guardian class is located in the lectern when chosen as the Guardian. 

creator: ChuChuChung

Minor Update:
  • Now updated to 1.6

Guardians Update:

  • Revival Guardian: Has an Idol of Life that can either save them from death or revive a dead Knight onto their team.
  • Trickery Guard: Can make all usernames invisible and cause confusion and/or friendly fire.
  • Fang Guard: Can cause snappers to come out of the ground and attack anything in close proximity.
  • Fisher Guard: Can fish up strong equipment.
  • ???????: ?????????


Topic starter Posted : 24/08/2020 10:51 pm