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KitPvP Ultimate
Join in on this new KitPvP experience. endless possibilities for play, from many kits to settings and maps to get you hooked! Take a peak at this advanced map made by PiedmontStorm96, CreeperAsh07, and tanwenler!
We are focusing on bringing the best and balanced kits. Using command blocks, we make our kits more and more advanced, with 20 kits and many more well on the way.
- Tank
- Archer
- Assassin
- Wizard
- Warper
- Healer
- Raider
- Poseidon
- Satan
- Lumberjack
- The Beast
- Creeper
- Knight
- Zeus
- Nightmare
- Turtle
- Queen Bee
- Time Master
- Enderlord
- Hybrid

And if you think that brings a load of possibilities, check out the settings! Choose from Effects, Challenges, and more to keep things interesting still!

This map was created by PiedmontStorm96, who has allowed me to post it to MCPEDL on his behalf.

creator: CreeperAsh07
Changed effects in Settings to repeating commands. Added more settings.
Topic starter Posted : 21/01/2022 11:15 am