LightKnight2311's KitPvP (WIP)
This KitPvP world has a ton for you to do. It has a wide variety of kits, arenas, and plenty of other features that will make your experience as amazing as possible. Not all features in it are ready, but more will be added along the way. Read the description to see what the features will be like. Feedback is always appreciated.
Knight Kit:
- Iron Sword (Sharpness 2)
- 8 Golden Apples
- Iron Helmet
- Chainmail Chestplate
- Iron Leggings
- Iron Boots

Archer Kit:
- Iron Sword
- Bow (Power 1)
- 32 Arrows
- Gains 4 New Arrows Every 60 Seconds
- 8 Golden Apples
- Chainmail Helmet
- Chainmail Chestplate
- Iron Leggings
- Iron Boots

Tank Kit:
- Iron Axe
- 8 Golden Apples
- Netherite Chestplate
- Iron Leggings
- Iron Boots
- Slowness 2
- Jump Boost 1

Assassin Kit:
- Diamond Sword (Sharpness 2)
- 8 Golden Apples
- Chainmail Helmet
- Chainmail Leggings
- Chainmail Boots
- Speed 2
- Invisibility Splash Potion (Gains a new one every 3-4 minutes)

Rouge Kit:
- Iron Sword
- Crossbow (Quick Charge 1)
- Multiple Types of Tipped Arrows
- Gains 2 Arrows of Each Type Every 2 Minutes
- 8 Golden Apples
- Chainmail Helmet
- Chainmail Chestplate
- Chainmail Leggings
- Chainmail Boots

Poseidon Kit:
- Trident (Loyalty 1)
- 8 Golden Apples
- Turtle Helmet
- Chainmail Chestplate
- Leather Pants
- Leather Boots
- Speed 1

Healer Kit:
- Iron Sword
- 8 Golden Apples
- Splash Potions of Healing
- Chainmail Helmet
- Iron Chestplate
- Iron Leggings
- Chainmail Boots

Warper Kit:
- Iron Sword
- 4 Ender Pearls (There are some quirks I made with these things)
- Gains 2 New Ender Pearls Every 60 Seconds
- 8 Golden Apples
- Chainmail Chestplate
- Iron Leggings
- Iron Boots

Gladiator Kit:
- Iron Sword
- Shield (Low durability for balancing reasons)
- 8 Golden Apples
- Chainmail Helmet
- Iron Chestplate
- Chainmail Leggings
- Chainmail Boots

Mage Kit:
- Iron Sword
- 8 Golden Apples
- Healing Splash Potion
- Speed Potion
- Fire Resistance Potion
- Harming Splash Potion
- Slowness Splash Potion
- Poison Lingering Potion
- Turtle Master Potion
- Gains a Random Potion Every 60 Seconds
- Chainmail Chestplate
- Chainmail Leggings
- Chainmail Boots

Glider Kit:
- Iron Sword
- Fishing Rod
- 8 Golden Apples
- 1 Firework
- Iron Helmet
- Elytra
- Iron Leggings
- Iron Boots
- Resistance 1
- Gains 1 Firework Every 2 Minutes

Leaper Kit:
- Diamond Sword
- 8 Golden Apples
- Leap Feather (Drop to use)
- Golden Helmet
- Chainmail Chestplate
- Golden Leggings
- Golden Boots
- Jump Boost 4

Snowman Kit:
- Diamond Sword
- 4 Snowballs
- 8 Golden Apples
- Leather Helmet
- Chainmail Chestplate
- Chainmail Leggings
- Leather Boots
- Gains 4 Snowballs Every 60 Seconds

Barbarian Kit:
- Netherite Axe
- Wooden Sword (Knockback 2)
- 8 Golden Apples
- Blitz Powder (Drop to use)
- Iron Chestplate
- Chainmail Leggings
- Iron Boots

Shifter Kit:
Melee Mode:
- Diamond Axe
- Golden Sword (Fire Aspect 2)
- 8 Golden Apples
- Slimeball (Drop to swap to Ranged Mode)
- Leather Helmet
- Iron Chestplate
- Leather Pants
- Leather Boots
- Strength 1

Ranged Mode:
- Diamond Axe
- Bow (Punch 2)
- 8 Golden Apples
- Magma Cream (Drop to swap to Melee Mode)
- 8 Arrows (Gains more overtime)
- Leather Helmet
- Iron Chestplate
- Leather Pants
- Leather Boots
- Speed 1

Main Arena:
- Multiple Kits (Already explained about those above)
- Multiple Sections
- Maze (Contains special loot that resets every 12 minutes)
- Probably the most fun

Diamond Arena:
- Diamond Sword
- Bow w/ 2 stacks of 64 arrows
- 8 Golden Apples
- Diamond Helmet
- Diamond Chestplate
- Diamond Leggings
- Diamond Boots

Iron Arena:
- Iron Sword
- Fishing Rod
- 8 Golden Apples
- Iron Helmet
- Iron Chestplate
- Iron Leggings
- Iron Boots

UHC Arena (Not real UHC):
- Diamond Sword
- Fishing Rod
- Bow w/ 2 stacks of arrows
- 16 Ender Pearls
- 16 Snowballs
- 8 Golden Apples
- Diamond Helmet
- Iron Chestpalte
- Diamond Leggings
- Diamond Boots

Combo Arena:
- Diamond Sword
- Enchanted Apple
- Diamond Helmet
- Diamond Chestplate
- Diamond Leggings
- Diamond Boots

Leather Arena:
- Wooden Sword
- Crossbow
- 8 Golden Apples
- Leather Cap
- Leather Tunic
- Leather Pants
- Leather Boots

Sumo Arena:
- Stone Sword (Knockback 2)
- 4 Boost Pearls
- Chainmail Helmet
- Chainmail Chestplate
- Chainmail Leggings
- Chainmail Boots
- Speed
- Regeneration
- Resistance

Ladder Arena:
- Diamond Sword
- Bow (Punch 2)
- 4 Snowballs (Restocks every few minutes)
- 2 Ender Pearls (Restocks every few minutes)
- 8 Golden Apples
- 8 Arrows (Restocks every few minutes)
- Diamond Helmet
- Iron Chestplate
- Iron Leggings
- Diamond Boots

Special Arenas (Will be removed in v1.9.0):
- Arenas NOT made by me, but made by my admins
- Set in a special lobby
Jungle Area (By BruhItzCloud)
- Trident
- 8 Golden Apples
- Chainmail Helmet
- Chainmail Chestplate
- Diamond Leggings
- Diamond Boots

Slither Pit (By DaddyConsolo)
- Iron Sword
- 8 Golden Apples
- Chainmail Helmet
- Chainmail Chestplate
- Chainmal Leggings
- Chainmail Boots

Nether Arena (By StockyAnt)
- Diamond Sword
- 8 Golden Apples
- Iron Helmet
- Iron Chestplate
- Golden Leggings
- Iron Boots

Ender Arena (By TheGreyFox)
- Stone Sword
- 16 Ender Pearls
- Healing Potions
- Chainmail Helmet
- Chainmail Chestplate
- Chainmail Leggings
- Chainmail Boots

Circle Arena (By prestonthegod)
- Diamond Sword
- 8 Golden Apples
- Iron Helmet
- Leather Chestplate
- Iron Leggings
- Iron Boots

Other Features:
Joining an Arena/Picking a Kit:
- Cool transition effects
- Join messages in chat
- Sounds for when a player joins
- Titles that display a message corresponding to the kit you picked, or the arena you joined
- 5-second Spawn Protection that prevents you from damaging other players or taking damage (Indicated by particles

- Instant respawn
- A title that lets you know that "You Died!"
- Cool death transition
- A sound that can be heard when a player dies

Prison for Rule-breakers:
- Use /tag player add Prisoned to Lock the Rule-breaker in Prison
- Players in Prison get Special Particles
- Players in Prison have Slowness and Weakness (Which means they can't pvp)
- Use /tag player remove Prison and /tp player 0 4 0 to get the Player out of Prison

Banning Rule-breakers:
- Use /tag player add Banned to use the custom banning system that was implemented
- Players that get banned get teleported to the end and are invisible
- Players that get banned are invisible, which means no one who is also banned can see them
- Use /tag player remove Ban and they will automatically be teleported back to spawn

Power Obsidian:
- Available in the Diamond Arena, Iron Arena, Combo Arena, and Leather Arena
- Grants you extra effects that help you in battle for 20 seconds
- Gives you exclusive particles and sounds that play

Hub Features:
The hub comes packed full of things to do as well. In there, you can explore around, try out the parkour, train in a fist pit, and warp to areas such as the prison. There is also an update log NPC where you can see what's new for each update, and there's also a utilities NPC that will house spectator mode, cosmetics, and toggleable options in the future. The way you navigate to areas like the fist pit, parkour, or arena selection is through the teleport station, where several teleporters are displayed. Be careful not to fall in the water though...

Coming Soon:
Arena Overhauls:
- Main Arena
- UHC Arena
Other Features:
- Duels
- Cosmetics
- Spectator Mode
- Toggleable Options
- Experience System
- Teams
Quick Notes:
If there are any issues that you find, please let me know.
Anyways, make sure to invite your friends over to play this map! Playing this map alone isn't really that fun.. so make sure to get some of your friends to play this map and most importantly, have fun :D!
KitPvP v1.8.0:
This is perhaps the biggest update KitPvP has ever seen! Including 2 new kits, 2 new arenas, a brand new lobby, along with plenty more, this will without a doubt be an update to remember! Don't worry though, it won't stop here. In an upcoming 1.8.1 patch, a brand new UI alongside new NPC models will be added. In 1.9.0, the Utilities NPC will get its desired features (Spectator mode, cosmetics, and toggleable options), the Main Arena & UHC Arena will get a huge design overhaul, and Duels will finally make their way into KitPvP. Nonetheless, here are the changes that KitPvP v1.8.0 brings...
Kit Changes:
- Added the Barbarian Kit
- Added the Shifter Kit
- Buffed the Leaper's Armor
- Removed Speed from the Leaper
- Granted the Leaper a leap feather
- Removed strength from the Knight & Assassin Kits
- Granted the Knight a sharpness 2 Iron Sword
- Removed Weakness Potions from the Knight
- Granted the Assassin a Sharpness 2 Diamond Sword
- Nerfed the Assassin's armor
- Granted the Assassin an invisibility splash potion that restocks overtime
- Granted the Healer an Iron Sword instead of a Stone Sword
- Nerfed the Healer's armor
- Removed Health Boost from the Poseidon Kit
- Added Speed to the Poseidon Kit
- Slightly nerfed the Poseidon's armor
- Slightly buffed the Mage's armor
- Granted the Mage an Iron Sword instead of an Iron Axe
- Removed the Strength Potion from the Mage
- Granted the Mage a slowness potion & a healing potion
- Nerfed the Mage's fire resistance potion
- Expanded the pool of random potions the Mage can gain overtime
- Nerfed the Snowman's armor
- Granted the Snowman 4 snowballs, down from 16
- Granted the Snowman a Diamond Sword instead of a Diamond Axe
- Removed Slowness from the Snowman
- Nerfed the Warper's Armor
- Granted the Warper an Iron Sword instead of an Iron Axe
- Slightly buffed the Archer's Armor
- Granted the Archer an Iron Sword instead of a Stone Sword
- Slightly reduced the arrow stack size for the Archer & Rouge
- Slightly buffed the Rouge's Armor
- Granted the Rouge an Iron Sword instead of an Iron Axe
- Removed Health Boost from the Tank Kit
- Nerfed the Tank's Jump Boost
- Added the Sumo Arena
- Added the Ladder Arena
- Changed the appearance of the Main Arena
- Removed the majority of the jutting poles from the obsidian arenas (Diamond, Iron, Combo, & Leather Arenas)
- Added a ceiling to the Leather Arena
- Changed the Power Obsidian to grant effects for 20 seconds, rather than granting infinite effects
- Added loot to the maze in the Main Arena
- Added fog to some arenas (Main Arena, Sumo Arena, & Ladder Arena)
Spawn Update:
- Added a bigger, more expansive underground spawn
- Added the teleport station which houses teleporters for the parkour, fist pit, arenas, prison, and Duels (The Duels teleporter doesn't work yet)
- Added two new NPCs (Update log & Utilities)
- Added particles to some NPCs
- Added popup sounds to NPCs
- Moved Kit tips to the dialogue box
- Removed the Event NPC
Resource Pack Changes:
- Changed various particles
- Made slight changes to attack animations & projectile animations
- Changed the particle effect for joining an arena
- Added spawn protection particles
Projectile Changes:
- Changed the physics of various projectiles to make them less floaty and have their range better match Java Edition
- Tweaked the angle at which projectiles are fired
- Changed the Ender Pearls to work more like vanilla (The way they worked before resulted in some bugs)
Misc Changes:
- Added a KitPvP Behavior Pack (Changes projectile physics & smooths out entity movement)
- Made some improvements to the Prison
- Changed the way several messages are displayed
- Changed the way actionbar text is displayed
- Changed various sounds & transitions
- Added tips for kits with drop-to-use abilities (Leaper, Barbarian, & Shifter)
- Improved the smoothness of kit/arena selection
- Made various changes to the way commands in the world are handled (Won't be noticeable while playing)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the hotbar would spaz out when near the spawn point in the hub
- Fixed an exploit where players could use throw an ender pearl shortly before pressing the back to lobby button in order to teleport back to the arena they were last in without any items that are given upon selecting that arena
- Fixed a bunch of teleportation issues
This update took a very long time to be complete, so I hope you all enjoy the new content that it offers, and thanks to everyone on Discord who helped test the update out to make sure everything is stable and ready to go! Stay tuned for more updates coming soon...
This originated as a map for my friends and I to have fun on. Later on, I thought that this map was good enough to have its place on MCEPDL. Also, here is a video ForstyHostMC made on my map! Come check it out!
Video by FrostyHostMC (Updated)
I also have a roadmap for what's coming next in this world! If you want to know what's coming next, click the link below!
I also have a Discord server which you could join by clicking the link below!