PvP Arena 1.0
This is my first map. It is a PvP arena. This map is in its first version it is made in 1.14 Education Edition So play in that or you may find bugs. This map is meant for 2-8 players and there are three games already set up PvP TeamPvP and KOTH. Have Fun
This Map comes with
A PvP arena with red and blue sides
A trophy (bell in center)
A PvP kit
And a map reset button
The Red and Blue sides can be used to create team battles that can have objectives such as king of the hill involving the bell in the center. The arena is a 39x20x39 cube. This map is best played with four or more players but can be used of 1v1´s. There is a secret area that can be used for hiding in the arena. Have Fun!!! 🙂 The kit button comes with a full set f armor, some iron weapons, a shield, a water bucket, bow and arrows, and dirt. Me and my friend GamerBoyJT created this map I did commands and he did most of the building. The map is nether based with quartz and netherack.and has 6 different structures inside of it.
Extra Pictures
Updated Page (cmon guys i cant get much more detail in here)
Added editable kit (go in creative and change the command blocks connected to the kit button)
Just Install it. there are no ads no external website just a download.
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsCHZKwn_oBbI-268rBwcVQ