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Star Pullers
Star Pullers is a minigame where teams compete to pull a star to their side using a fishing rod. Each team size can consist of 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3s. Invite your friends to compete in a easy to play but hard to master minigame!
When you first load into the world, you’ll be greeted with a neat lobby and two options, Team Sizes and Start.
Team Sizes allow you to pick if the team consists of 1 member, 2 members, or a maximum of 3 members.
Start allows you to start the game. It is recommended you pick a team size before starting because it may not work.
Here are some pictures of the lobby:
If you’re going to review this world in a video, please use the link to the McBedrock page instead of using your own, along with credit. Thanks!
creator: noblais
Topic starter Posted : 29/04/2020 10:57 am