Zgoly's PVP (2 Players)
Hello! Would you like to fight with your friend? Or maybe the enemy? Then this map is for you! On this map you can find 4 locations: 1 - Sumo, 2 - Earth, 3 Moon, 4 - Nether, with different packs of tools and armor!This map only for 2 players! No more!
ALL about map
This map could not come out for a long time, but in the end it is here, and I'm going to tell you about it in detail.

Main spawn
On this map you can find 4 locations:

Your task is push the player off the plate. At this level you will not be given a sword or armor. You will have regeneration, so you will not die.

On this level, you will also not be given any sword or armor, but you have to find them yourself! Your task is to find armor and sword and defeat the player! This level is big enough to be fun! All locations will be shown below:

House for blue team

Prison for red team

It will be quite unusual for you to play on this map. You will jump high and land slowly, it will be dark and... "painful"? It's very easy to throw you off, so try not to fall! You will receive an Enchanted Wooden Sword with a knockback II, a Netherite Chestplate and 16 Steaks!

Dark, scary, dangerous... Lava and fire everywhere, ruins everywhere... It's a nether! You have to kill a player fully dressed in netherite armor, with a netherite sword and a bunch of different food such as steaks, golden apples and enchanted apples... Of course, you will have the same set! Think over every step, watch your health, it's a nether!
You can write your idea for the level in the comments, and if we like it, we will add your level to the map with a mention of you!
Using this map
If you want to record a video or story about this map - I will not mind! The only thing I demand from you is:
- Publish a link only to this site, do not upload my map to other sources.
- Mention me as the creator of the map.
Don't forget to rate our map, happy battle!
N o t h i n g changed, only fix links.
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- 6. Download file
- 7. Rename file in any file manager and remove the ".zip" on the end of file name (If you do not have ".zip" skip this step)
- 8. Open file to import map in minecraft
creator: https://twitter.com/zgoly_yt