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Ethoslab Search Engine in MCPE

New Member

This was originally made by Etho in his LP world. It was called "The Pixel" also known as the Nexus 2.0

The Pixel is a storage system exclusively made as bulk storage for shulker boxes. However, grabbing items from dozens of shulker boxes and checking their content can be annoying especially when you can't see all the items in them.
So to solve this issue, The Pixel comes with a built in shulker box item searcher. Just pick the item you wanna search, drop it in the system, and let The Pixel search for it.

The downside of this storage is that it can only store items that stack to 64, otherwise it will mess up the system.

Etho did not post any tutorials on how to make it so I had to make this from scratch, so basically this is my own design. But I tried to make it as close to his design as I could.

And I managed to recreate it here in MC-W10.

World Download:

This shows how to use:
[video=youtube;VjmoskD3m4s] [/video]

See where I got the idea here:

The only issue is the shulker box sometimes gets stuck in the hopper, but that is caused by a bug[can't do anything about it]
But it seems to rarely happen in the latest beta.

Topic starter Posted : 24/05/2018 9:22 am