5 Redstone Build for Home
Ah yes, it's time to go home. After a long and hard session of mining, which is fortunately helped by these redstone machine, you want to rest in your beloved house. But then you realized you need some redstone help in your house as well. Don't worry, I'm going to help you with this 5 Redstone Build for Home!
Here, you will find 5 redstone build that you may need to build in your house, these are:
1. Armor Equipper

Have you been in this situation, when you want to equip your armor, but it's very tricky to do, because you need to click the pieces in the appropriate slot one by one? Well, this machine simplifies it with only one click. Just stand in, click the button, and boom! You're automatically equipped! Although after that you need to place the armor back one-by-one.
2. Auto Furnace with XP Collection

It's cheaper, takes less space than the humongous super smelter, yet it's fast enough for it's size. Better yet, it also functions like an XP bank. You can take the smelted items from the chest, or after a while, you can lock the retriever system and take it from the furnace, and badabing badaboom! You suddenly receive some XP in a breeze!
3. Block swapper

Not much I can tell for this. It can swap a block for another, meaning you can have 2 utility blocks for just 1 block space!
4. Shulker Box Swapper

This is particularly useful for late game, when you have a lot of shulker block. This can switch and store for up to 9 shulker box.
5. Storage Fullness Counter

This is useful for bulk items (such as cobblestone, dirt, sand). Now you can see how much your row of chest is filled so you don't have to check one by one. You can also hook this into an item sorter!
And there it is! Hopefully you would be able to find use of this contraptions in your beloved house. Thank you for checking my maps!
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To install your world:
- For .mcworld file, just click on it, and select Minecraft, it will import itself automatically.
- For .zip file, extract it to Android - data - com.mojang.minecraftpe - files - games - com.mojang - minecraftWorld path
creator: Ironcraft