5 Redstone Elevators
So you want to go up, into another floor, what do you want to use? Elevators! Elevator is a much cooler way to go up than ladder, scaffolding, or even stairs! But you don't know what elevator that you will build? I have a solution for you! Here is, 5 Redstone Elevators!
In this world, you will find 5 mechanism of redstone elevators. Some are very basic but easier to build, while some are very complex but much more realistic than others! Those are:
1. Water Elevator

- Fancy
- Sometimes when you're almost at top, your movement will be a little jerky
2. 2-floor Piston Elevator

- Very basic and easy to build
- Has a call function
- Only 2 floor
3. Old-school Piston Elevator

- Easy to build (it is basically just repeating the mechanism over and over)
- Fast
- Sometimes you will get stuck if your position is not right
4. Flying Machine Elevator (by: FedX Gaming)

- Very realistic, just like real life
- Has a call function
- The size of the machine is very big
- Currently, there is no way this elevator can have more than 2 floor
5. Multi-floor Flying Machine Elevator (or Flying Machine Elevator V2) (by: Tomco)

- Has multiple floors
- Realistic
- There is some exposed bit in back
- Capacity is only 2 player
- No call function
So there you are! Choose what elevator is best for your build, and build this into your world! Have fun!
- Changed the advertiser to ad.fly. (If there is a report of virus again, I give up).
- Added installation tutorial
To import your world, just click on .mcworld file, then if the select app to open dialog popped, select ct if select. The world will automatically imported into your Minecraft world.