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MCPE/bedrock Bedrock Auto Sweeping Bamboo Farm

Illustrious Member Admin

Bedrock Auto Sweeping Bamboo Farm


This is my bamboo farm I have been working on. When i get a bit tired of doing terrains, i put bits of time together to create this! Apologies it took so long, but here it is! This bamboo farm massively produces bamboo (Very great for using as fuel inside a furnace.. Maybe inside my Auto Furnace and Smelter!) It has a huge storage system for the bamboo underneath of the farm, it is very much needed! I filled up a whole double chest in one run of the sweeper, so i am very happy with this creation. Signs on to advise how to use it, its pretty simple. I also put lamps on it so you know when the loaders have stopped loading 😀

Hope you enjoy it and please give me suggestions! Aculos out!


creator: Aculos




To install this amazing contraption, just simply download the .mcworld file. Once downloaded, open it up and Minecraft will automatically import the world for you!



Topic starter Posted : 15/10/2020 5:51 pm