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MCPE/Bedrock Minecart Elevators (2 Editions)

Illustrious Member Admin

Minecart Elevators (2 Editions)


You know how this boring to climbing on ladders and walking on stairs? You Must! So, I have a solution for this problems!

Minecart Elevators!

Just sit in Minecart, press buttons and literally fly on the next level


So… Let’s take a look on first elevator. 3 Floors Elevator:

First level be like: (only one way – up)

Second: (two ways – up and down)

Third: (one way – down)

If you get failed like this:

You always can call the elevator on your level:

First-person look:

Left – Up:

Right – Down:

It’s how it looks:

It’s not compact at all, you see…

But I was pretty happy when ended up this creation 😊


Second Edition. 2 Floors Elevator Expandeable In Height:

Call button as always:

Inside look:

Down Floor – Up Button:

Up Floor – Down Button:

If Elevator ready to be called – lamp turns on! Either don’t use button in no reason!(no damage to Redstone but… How you dare?)

creator: Artvorder


- Changed from Turbiobit to direct download

- Added new elevator. 2 Floors Expandeable in height.


Topic starter Posted : 02/09/2020 5:04 pm