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MCPE/Bedrock Mini House With Redstone

Illustrious Member Admin

Mini House With Redstone


This world includes a mini house (already decorated), dog house, armory, ore/xp farm, redstone trash bin, and cow and pig spawner.  If you want you can also join my discord – My user is Trent#4672 I hope you enjoy my map! 

This map was also made on the beta title world!

If you want to get rid of the commands that talk in the chat go to the cords – 364, 4, -49, and break the command blocks there.


Screenshots : This 1st screenshot is of the front of the house.Here is the inside of the house. Includes 4 large chests, ender chest, crafting table, 2 beds, and working chairs!This is the ore/xp farm (infinite ores).

Here’s the armory which has command blocks that give you the tools and ones that enchant the tools.Here’s the redstone trashbin and the animal spawners.


why do you keep denying the map I've stated everything I put into the map there is no more detail to add



After clicking link and downloading the world go to downloads in files and double click the world to import to minecraft. 

creator: trentosaurus


Topic starter Posted : 21/08/2020 12:17 pm