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Redstone Tutorial Map for Beginners
Hi Redstoners👋Are you looking for a Redstone creation map that's easy to copy?Β Here are 20 of my Redstone creations, which you can check for tutorials on my channel, APK GamerzZ.

- Secret Floor Entrance
- Trapped Chest
- Water Elevator
- Automatic Kelp Farm
- Automatic Sea Pickle Farm

6. Automatic Wool Farm
7. Lossless Bamboo Farm
8. Zero-Tick Bamboo Farm
9. Lectern Secret Door
10. 1x1 Flush Door

11. 3x3 Honey Door
12. 2x2 Hipster Door with Pop up Button
13. Basalt Farm
14. 1 Wide Sand Door
15. Zero-Tick Sugarcane Farm

16. 2x2 Flush Door without Redstone
17. Twisting & Weeping Vines Farm
18. Sculk Wool Farm
19. Minecart Unloader
20. 1.18 AFK Fishing Farm
Easier download to everyone who want to download the map
Topic starter Posted : 10/12/2021 5:49 pm