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MCPE/Bedrock Sea-view Redstone House

Illustrious Member Admin

Sea-view Redstone House

This is an extremely awesome Redstone house. It has a few Redstone contraptions such as working TV and elevator! It has limited but awesome stuff which you can play around with! Be sure to use shaders and textures to brighten this build!



This was made completely be me! It has lots of cool contraptions. It’s an awesome map. Personally I think stuff like storage systems can be a bit over the top so I’ve only made stuff which I think will be cool to the user! Download the map to see all the Redstone stuff there is. Feel free to add stuff if you want. Just have fun, play with the contraptions, and enjoy! Please be sure to just support me by liking my mapif you enjoy it! I am no pro but I hope you have fun!




Improved redstone timings and gave the house a fresher look


Simple installation. Just download the file from Mediafire. Completely free!


Topic starter Posted : 05/05/2021 9:17 am