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MCPE/Bedrock Step by Step Tutorial [Redstone]

Illustrious Member Admin

Step by Step Tutorial [Redstone]


Redstone step by step tutorial is a map that will guide you to build the redstone creation in step by step. This map is good for you who want to build the redstone machine but you didn’t know how to build it.


If you need a redstone map that not just showing it and without the tutorial on it, this is the good place for you. It includes a tutorial for every redstone contraption and also a redstone contraption from the most popular redstoner and from me of course. This map was built above the cloud and was made as simple as possible to avoid a huge number of map size.

The total of the contraption are 25 Redstone Contraptions

Creator: PanduAshidiq



Added Teleport Area!

  • Added Teleport Area!!

More content will coming soon.. I promise

Next update will big but not too big



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Topic starter Posted : 12/07/2020 9:14 pm