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MCPE/Bedrock Step by Step Tutorial [Redstone]

Illustrious Member Admin

Step by Step Tutorial [Redstone]


Redstone step by step tutorial is a map that will guide you to build the redstone creation in step by step. This map is good for you who want to build the redstone machine but you didn’t know how to build it.


If you need a redstone map that not just showing it and without the tutorial on it, this is the good place for you. It includes a tutorial for every redstone contraption and also a redstone contraption from the most popular redstoner and from me of course. This map was built above the cloud and was made as simple as possible to avoid a huge number of map size.

The total of the contraption are 30 Redstone Contraptions

Creator: PanduAshidiq



Added Item Shortener!

Added 1 Wide Hidden Crafting Table (Made by TheBowTieMan)

Added 6×6 Slime Block Door (Made by TheBowTieMan)

Added Cobblestone Blast Chamber (Made by PanduAshidiq)

Added Auto Tree Farm (Made by PanduAshidiq)


List of Contraption :

  1. Realistic Elevator by PanduAshidiq
  2. 4×4 Vault Door by TrueCP5
  3. 3×3 Spiral Door by Trogdor312
  4. 2×3 Hidden Nether Portal by Trogdor312
  5. 3×3 Flush Trapdoor by MumboJumbo
  6. 3×3 Compact Door by TheBowTieMan
  7. Hidden Staircase by PanduAshidiq
  8. 2×2 Flush Trapdoor by TheBowTieMan
  9. 4×4 Compact Door by TheBowTieMan
  10. Seeds Generator by PanduAshidiq
  11. Hidden Tree Entrance by PanduAshidiq
  12. 2×2 Seamless Hidden Door by PanduAshidiq
  13. Drop Down Staircase by TheBowTieMan
  14. Auto Bubble Column Elevator by PanduAshidiq
  15. Hidden Spiral Staircase by TheBowTieMan
  16. Multi Block Swapper by TheBowTieMan
  17. Hidden Pop out Chest
  18. Ultimate Multi Block Swapper by TheBowTieMan
  19. Redstone Bridge by TheBowTieMan
  20. 5×5 Vault Door by TheBowTieMan
  21. Super Smelter by MumboJumbo
  22. Vending Machine
  23. Armor Stand Swapper by Skippy6Gaming
  24. Waterfall Splitter Entrance by PanduAshidiq
  25. Dropdown Chandelier by TheBowTieMan
  26. Item Shortener
  27. 1 Wide Hidden Crafting Table by TheBowTieMan
  28. 6×6 Slime Block Door by TheBowTieMan
  29. Cobblestone Blast Chamber by PanduAshidiq Inspired Design by ilmango
  30. Auto Tree Farm by PanduAshidiq
Added 5 new contraption :
  1. Added Item Shortener
  2. Added 1 Wide Hidden Crafting Table
  3. Added 6x6 Slime Door
  4. Added Cobblestone Blast Chamber
  5. Added Auto Tree Farm



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You might be getting struggle to see which direction the redstone component block is, or which piston to use. So i suggest you to use resource pack that help you to do redstone like "Clear Wire" by Tal Melamed that you can download from this website



Topic starter Posted : 20/07/2020 3:15 pm