Vanilla RTX
Vanilla RTX is the most popular PBR resource pack for Minecraft RTX; allowing you to use Minecraft's ray tracing features by providing quality PBR maps and fog configurations on top of vanilla game without altering vanilla experience, bringing ray tracing support to Minecraft's default resources while remaining completely faithful to all the different aspects and details of vanilla Minecraft.
Vanilla RTX uses 16x heightmaps with uniquely detailed MERs (Metallic/Emissivity/Roughness). Vanilla RTX Normals uses 16x Normals instead.
- Vanilla RTX & Vanilla RTX Normals cover every possible Vanilla, Creative, Education Edition or secret block.
- All materials are consistent across different blocks.
- Everything has been fine-tuned for Minecraft RTX.

Experience Minecraft's ray tracing with vanilla textures at their best, all textures are meticulously detailed and consistent with each and every block having unique design put into it.
Vanilla RTX is regularly updated both to add support for new blocks and to improve existing ones, there are also several other smaller packs that will allow you to customize certain aspects of Vanilla RTX.
Most of fog colors have been tuned to match vanilla game colors, but if you wish to play Minecraft RTX without air fog, you can toggle fogless option through resource pack settings.
Vanilla RTX Public Community:
Trails and Tales (1.20) blocks

1.10 Update Images

Caves and Cliffs

Vanilla RTX Normals:

Glowing Ores patch

Clear Water patch

If you appreciate the hard work that goes into making Vanilla RTX perfect, you can support it on Patreon:
Your support will make sure of its continued development and consistently delivered high quality, as a thank you, you will receive updates earlier and directly from Patreon, along with more benefits.

Credits: CubeIR and Patrons! Shout-out to: Azure Midsummer, Joshua alonso, sparta 030, Oscar Jarl, Tung, Yanick Laub, CoffeeBentYukio, kenneth pitre, Marie Antoinette, PlayingVoyage, Zek0004, Nicholas Melomo, Brogan Sharp, Rosa W, Kendrisite Gaming, Tim, FERNANDO VIERA JR. [CUSTOMER SERVICE], THE LORD, GMWC Bravo wolf, Gogy Potter, Martin, Inimical_Divinity, SHAYDIMIR, Elmer Salinas, Vance Baylis, Alvaro Gonzalez, Kelly Cookson, Flan Cakes, Attractive Pants, KILLZØNE, PTG, Juan Jimenez, Robert Waugh, Fengpo Wen, Just Believe, Josh Hunt, Adrian Kunce, Hara Kaza, alex romero, UDJM_Phoenix, von, Nox Libertas, Chef, Vanilla Punch141, YANG CHUN YU, Arukatai, Mark Blazer, Noah Robertson, Romeo, michael wrght, Peter Cridland, Sinister Pug, Larry Zinter, Hackedge, Bones Roach, Matthew Brady, Ezma Ocejo, Io, MichaXel Pedersen, Adyssan Jahed, Venn Smith, Chandlor Parfait, Karolis Spetas, Travis Armstrong, hunan, Kyle Pace, DatMidgetCJ, SintheSergal, Lucas Cordeiro, Tasuke, Joeseph Heredia, Oliver Pena, Kolbie Rains, WiserLake, Gabriel, Rowan Russell, Maverick1102, Eric Skittles, ALSloth, Jake Drowning, Kaleb Gruver, chrissy something, Dark Herba, Cole, Logan O'Sullivan, Dr Dro, Cameron Maize, Swine, 星星 梁, Luuk, Xleb Xlebniy, Salt, jj99atw, Hard Red, McMelon, Kavvy boi, Randy Bondy, Rusty Weber, Shayne Vickers, HellorHighWater, Nattapon W, Tray G, Zach, Cosmii02, Sven Reinsch, Justin Sedlacek, Dantheman2240, Aaron Smith, Meta Ulysses, TenPandaBNM _Gaming, Eric Scholz, Mana, DankLord708, Grzegorz Caban, LilTaco, Javier, Zachery Gilio, Dan Martin, The sun and The ground, zhifeng38, Jake Broyles, Vadim Didur, Josiah.G, Connor Marsich, Nin Azu, Reeoffdagrid, Roman Cooke, Aritsumi, Coil, youngman.99, BottleCapJack, Kyle Crays, Tyler M., Cody Hisle, Logan Moore, Jordan Hagel, Kara Cavallaro, Timmy West, MexulDS, 人 好, Sithis Dawnsend, Jakob Leahey, Spenten, sun sonny, Justin Hommes, Alberto Angeles Muñoz, Muuuhiii, aksuilsk, FarSeer00, 00 0, Foster, David Mannon, Jessica Rose, Lawrence Nisperos, Ko Be Kik, Carissa Hurt, Daren Paul O'Shea Jr., Parker12, Frankie Reyes, Elijah Ewing, José Henrique, Jelly, Edward, nuk3y ., Danny, brandon, Jeremy Perry, Olivia Brown, Luke Hinderer, cesar deras, 王一夫, Lacus X230, Sascha, Kõzan, Cody Robertson, GoodSir, Michael Shaw, Cayce, Kaiden, 한 파크, Nick s1027, Will Ashborn, John Colondona, Just UD, Brandon Sorensen, Angel Leonard, DawnOfArk, does john, Sean Smith, Julius, Kavoniv Kyxev, Ethan W, Jonathan Gaul, Jean, Omar Garib, Dylan, Tristan Trafny, mardukalex, Lonelyhousecat, ry ryu, CaptPicard8, 彥良, Krišjānis E, Andrew Savoie, Owen Pearson, Mylee Johnson, Tao jun Xu, Jeromy Perez, Sporleing gaming, Steve Scott, Gamer, Brandon, Vlad ., John Smith, Mocap Development, ace518, Matthew Clark, Caleb Michael McNutt, MC_BOMB_27, Joshua Pinkard, DanceWithJake420, Ai'dyn Snow, Charles Goode, Aaron Tull, Yukki Plays Games, Santos Aguilar, Deci Santillan, Myguel Thibault, RandomT, Eike Ruckdeschel, 鹏 沈, Tsuki, 芃 丁, Ryan Starr, Noah, Dr. Novelle, Captain_E419, Wesley Palmier, Stephan Hernandez, Trey Perrotti, Meta, Fengpo Wen, Tim Fehse, joshua loar, Dam, Arturs Feodorovs, Moritz, Matthew E Leiss, Richard Glidden, Jordan Allred, Isttret, Britainy Raymond, Fredrik Fossaa, Brice Eveno, Terry Grundlesnatch, Maxime Depasse, Bill Davis, Angel Bautista, Narapol Ai, Estrella, solesunswift, Gonzalo Humberto Hernandez Herrera, Matthew Witte, ryan preston meyer, Taro Hino, BenoTek, VarietyPieClassified, CS S, Luis Decenteno, Krasser Typ, Jacob Bills, J0HNEE, Zachary The Lazer, tenzin, Roberto, Cific, Ghost, Ryan mcool, donnidowork, gamigman, Jacob Dahms, Joe Siver, Teejay Hansen, Jason Flynn, chris cole, Daniela Jerez, Andrew Cottler, Joe Reiter, Luke Wimberley, Artorias151, Robbie Grindrod, Kal, Michael T, Dapper David, Fait T, indigo, Dipsy Doodle, DeGFeT, Kendall Arnold, Toast Productions, Tama, John Smith, adam schwartz, Netro, Anne, Extro, bigcheezin, Aaron Besson, Jason Flynn, Isaac Das, Austin, Nicolas Zuck, Daniel W. Silva, M4RM3L4DK4, Shaun Hurbace, Ryan Splatoon, Jacob Cardon, John W Wilkes, s_tyxxx, Billy Haim, paul jeltema, Mackenzie, Cristobal Bustos, Vidal CalderOWN, Lachlan Baker, Giuseppe Francesco Amico, Will, ShadowSix, Winter Dawn, Daniel Falmer, Areku, XODev, Kj Cars, Dean Psomotragos, jake, ede eeded, André Vinicius Raimonde da Silva, Austin Cossette, Isaac Snellgrove, Chrisf, Tobias Hendrich, SwissCheezeTV, Rustle Forest, Phillip, X Abstrxt, Crystal Acre, Marvin E, Mark Manongdo, Brodie Fitzsimons, Luan, Greg R., Manuel, Blueley09, Nick, Blake R Webber, RaZe Romey, EverSpace, S-U-G-Y, VTKZ MIGUELITOO, Alexis Sanchez, ID Crisis, Jay Young, Nick, Aiden Cooper, Jaktt1337, Standa, Luke Umhoefer, Trypticon, AngelOgreTTV, plasmavamp, slatt, Erik Hartleben, Jake, Minecraft122521, william hendricks, Connor Dorey, Ch. Penguins, Malcolm Delgado Monay, Louis Baudry, SwigTactics, Spectral Kraken, gonzolikesmovies, Ultimate_Moon, Wayne Lee, Joshua Tran, Uni, Anthony Capraro, Cole West, Dalton Kubat, Gideon Bevins, Tealdragon204, Sean Brown, Gzilla, 正太 藤原, Jacob Krueger, jesus lopez, Bleak Raw, Aaerox, Alex Cunningham, Cindy, bbboti, Tyler Nelke, Felipe Peixoto Zortea, Connor Isley, Sterrmano, René Hauser, Alyssa Mcalister, Andrew Taylor, Dylan Postma, Sarama, Zoyander, Madmatt 187, Sakili, Charles Gillette, james frost, Leonel Ceron, nep nep, DoutorMaluco 248, BigPinkSweater (Sheba Arts), Marek Watkins, Cameron, matheus agostini, Michael Ramirez, andrei kolosha, Noah Streller, Miguel Caceres, Adam, Xelphie, Thorsten Schachl, XcomcadX, max göhrke, Mordred, Jens Grescheck, Jayden Velez, Fallen Mercy, pedro ff, Gabriel Hastings, Klaidas Runele, Branden Craft, Shai, S, Július Laczo, Der_Heilerziehungspfleger, DONUTT, Dylan Coker (and others, updated periodically)
Q: What is the primary difference between Vanilla RTX and Vanilla RTX Normals?
A: Vanilla RTX uses 16x heightmaps, which are later converted to a higher resolution normal map to simulate depth on a flat surface, Vanilla RTX Normals uses 16x normal maps instead, which simulate curvature on a surface and how light should bounce off each pixel. Only one can be used at a time, each will provide different looks for all blocks.
The images below demonstrate the difference: (First image shows Vanilla RTX & second image shows Vanilla RTX Normals)

Problem: I am experiencing low frame rate, game keeps crashing etc...
Solution: If you're experiencing low FPS, disable Minecraft's VSync, as for crashes and similar issues, they are Minecraft-related, waiting for future game patches might be your only option.
However there are several issues tied to resizing the game's window, tabbing in or out or turning ray tracing on/off frequently, which can easily be avoided.
Q: How can I edit pack?
A: Here are some helpful resources to to edit Vanilla RTX according to your preferences or to create your own ray tracing capable resource pack: / Nvidia / Microsoft Docs (Official Minecraft RTX info and documentations)
Template: Minecraft RTX Resource Pack Template
Texture Set Maker: CubeIR/Texture-Set-Maker
Q: What are patches? how do I use them? do I need to download them all?
A: They are optional smaller packs that allow you to change certain aspects of Vanilla RTX Normals/Vanilla RTX, since these changes aren't fully Vanilla, they are included in separate packs, names of each one should tell what they do. e.g. glowing ores makes ores glow; you only need one of the base packs, to use any of the optional patches simply place them above Vanilla RTX or Vanilla RTX Normals in your resource pack settings.
Problem: I've encountered a visual glitch/bug, candles aren't emitting light, decorated pots are glitched, spyglass has issues, chains are glowing etc...
Solution: Visual glitches or similar issues you might encounter during gameplay are most likely a game issue & have nothing to do with Vanilla RTX. You can visit and search for bugs related to Minecraft with RTX & vote for them, it is likely that they are already reported.
If you have other questions, try joining Vanilla RTX Discord server and ask for help from others, or leave a comment here explaining the issue.
License: Vanilla-RTX/License
Vanilla RTX & Vanilla RTX Normals v1.10 Changelogs:
• Added full support for cherry wood set (planks, doors, logs, stripped logs etc...)
• Added full support for cherry leaves & pink petals
• Added support for Suspicious Sand
• Added support for Suspicious Gravel
• Added support for Torchflower
• Updated sand and red sand to better match their texture (MERs), improved normal maps
• Revamped waterlily
• Revamped Dripleaf and Small Dripleaf
- Improved normal maps and heightmaps (Known issue: big dripleaf top normals are inverted depending on the direction which big dripleaf top is placed)
- Updated materials to better match other foliage
• Adjustments to cactus MERs
• Updated gravel
- Updated MERs to match stone block
- Improved normal maps with better tiling
- Better heightmaps to allow consistency between gravel and suspicious gravel
• Adjustments to all wooden plank heightmaps (resulting in less intense normal maps)
• Changed concrete normal maps color format to RGB (from index)
Fog Changes:
• Added unique fog for Cherry forest biome: water colors match vanilla Minecraft, air color is similar to Vanilla RTX default with a subtle pink tint
Notes for content reviewer:
- This is not an update, but an edit to links of this page.
- Fixed links being switched up per user report, please preserve download links display text and actual link, they've previously been switched. (Before sending this update, I have double-checked the draft, hopefully this won't happen again)
- Please, preserve order of download links, this page contains many downloads, and they've been sorted by priority, so please, preserve the order of downloads! (Previously, Vanilla RTX which is what most players are here for, was at the bottom of downloads list, which can make it confusing)
- Changelogs are a copy of previous version's changelogs so that current actual Vanilla RTX version changelogs are displayed.
Vanilla RTX does not work on any Android, iOS or gaming consoles such as Xbox Series X|S, PS5, etc...
Windows 10 and Windows 11 Devices Only with NVIDIA GeForce® RTX 20 Series and higher, along with the AMD Radeon™ RX 6000 Series and higher.