AtNet Shader v 1.0 by Kenetavo
AtNet is a Shader that smoothly changes the fog and water color in each biome so that there can be more diversity. That is why AtNet is for those who like to explore their world, in caves, deep in the ocean or in other dimensions.
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AtNet is a Shader that adds colorful soft mist according to each biome, it also slightly changes the color of the water in its respective biome.
As well as the visual field of the water so that you have greater visibility when swimming.
AtNet changes the color of the night sky so you have better visibility at night.
Also a thick fog when there is a thunderstorm to give it more realism.
When exploring the caves you will be able to see a little more (it does not stop the generation of hostile entities).


Se agregaron más temas de color a diferentes biomas en el Overworld, Nether y End, además de agregar un cielo nocturno despejado.



In this version we added:
- a new night sky
- new fog in the nether
- change to the end sky
- thick fog in thunderstorms