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MCPE/Bedrock HSBE V4 Water & Cloud update

Illustrious Member Admin

HSBE V4 Water & Cloud update

HSBE Shader

      Harrington Shader is a shader that make your minecraft graphics more vibrant and unique. This shader has many features but it's vanilla+ theme like vanilla clouds reflection and default sun reflection. This shader is only for Android & IOS users. And now it supports minecraft bedrock V1.17!!! well, i admit that this shader now isn't a lightweight shader especially in the current update.



  • Sunset & Sunrise


  • Day



  • Night
  • Rain
  • Underwater

the deeper you go, the darker you'll get.

  • Nether
  • The End
  • Other

Features :

  1. Vibrant coloring
  2. Beautiful sky
  3. Colored light
  4. Glowing ores
  5. Option
  6. Water wave
  7. Under water wave
  8. Leaves wave
  9. Bloom sun
  10. Sun reflection
  11. Clouds reflection
  12. Beautiful end sky
  13. Atmosphere
  14. And others!


      In the version under 3.0 of this Shaders, there was a subpack feature, but there were lots of lag complaints from users. And many users gave suggestion to make a option for this shaders. So in V3+ Shaders, there is a feature called "option" where you can modify this shader. You can activate or deactivate some features of this shaders.

| How to modify the option?

 Mobile : go to this shader file (Android > data > com.mojang.minrcraftpe > resourcepack)> shaders > glsl > lib > open "option.h" there is a way to use this option there.

write "//" before "#define" is off

remove "//" before "#define" is on



  1. Please don't relink this shader!! if you wish to share this shader, use this link.
  2. Please permission first, if you wish to use code from this shaders
  3. This shaders does NOT support with Renderdragon (MCwin10
  4. You are prohibited to share this shaders but as your own!!
  5. Report bugs & Mediafire link? via Twitter only.


| V4 Short spoiler


  1. Glowing copper ore
  2. Water update
  3. Double layer cloud
  4. Reflection update
  5. Coloring adjustment
  6. Reflection adjustment
  7. Fix some IOS bugs
Topic starter Posted : 31/07/2020 12:49 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 05/04/2022 4:58 pm