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MCPE/Bedrock ESTN Shaders Official Release

Illustrious Member Admin

ESTN Shaders Official Release


    ESTN Shaders 1.6.0 has come to MCBedrock as the Overhaul Update!

    ESTN Shaders (ESTN is like a shorter ver. of my name Eldeston) is a shader pack made to change your gameplay’s looks through shaders, like the water noise, plant waves, shader based sun and moon, monochromatic weather, and much more! Presented to you by FlameRender Studios.



    This shader is only for Minecraft PE (mobile). There will be no Win10 or Console version of this shader as it is the last update, for more info continue reading the description. This shader, however, works on Minecraft Education Edition in certain versions. However, the results may be different compared to other platforms… This shader supports Minecraft Bedrock v1.16.0 and above.

    I have decided that 1.6.0 will be the last update for ESTN Shaders, due to a lot of unfixable bugs and performance issues. I also wanted to end it so I can make other projects and take a break from coding shaders. Yes it’s disappointing, but once Render Dragon arrives on ALL platforms and allows shader editing, I will make a brand new one and it will use some of ESTN’s codes, and it will be the successor of ESTN Shaders. So please keep an eye on my next projects!


Screenshot by Wasserfell on Discord

Screenshot by Zen on Discord

Screenshot by me, Eldeston


-Shadows! (better than before!)

-Better cloud render! (….aerogel clouds?)

-Better sky render! (this one manipulates the cubemap textures)

-New water render! (inspired by SDGP, it’s really laggy on low end devices)

-Underwater distortion! (grooving seaweeds!)

-Better atmospheric fog! (now it also affects underwater)

-Improved custom sun and moon shader! (magnificent days, dawns, and nights!)

-Better beacon beam! (my eyes are burning aaaaa)

-Better foliage and water animations! (swaying like the wind!)

-Weather monochrome! (inspired by UltraMax)

-Emissive maps! (it may look buggy in specific areas since it depends on the brightness of the texture)

-Twinkling colored stars! (Better to see it in-game)

-And other experimental features! These features can only be enabled in the preset file, these features are sunbeams, speculars, and others!


-Completely removed the optimization feature due to device precision errors.

-Heavily optimized the codes to improve performance for mid range devices.


    Most of the bugs known in ESTN Shaders at the moment are precision related, and some for some reason, not solvable. Most of these issues came from iOS devices and some from ancient android devices. However these bugs are hard for me to fix, so it might be better to use this shader on mid to high end phones or use a preset that minifies those bugs.

    You can do so much just by editing the presets. Here are some examples from our preset makers in our Discord server!

KeK’s Custom Preset by KeK

BareBones Preset by KeK

Bland Vanilla by TheIsaacM

Doc’s Custom Preset by TheDoctor

    You should join our server and share some of your presets too!


   This shader has been completely overhauled which means I can give it a new license, so this pack now uses the GNU GPL License. This means you can share/repost this pack as long as there is a copyright notice. I recommend that you should inform me before you’re going to repost this shader. Info about this license will be found at . Here’s a simpler version (but it’s still needed to read the full one for a full clarification of the license):

   The full license is in the pack’s files. Please read them before modifying the pack.


   Yes you. Read the description in order to meet what you’re supposed to expect from this pack, because I’m getting A LOT of people asking obvious questions which answer is literally in the description. So please, don’t just judge the book by its cover.


I favour this comment, at least this guy understands me.


    You can keep in touch with me in my Discord server or Twitter. I mainly post stuff about my projects in Twitter. In Discord, you can also try out the Studio’s beta projects including mines early:

Discord Server:



-Over 30+ bugs fixed

-Revamped logo and panorama

-Optimized the codes heavily

-And more that I'm too lazy to put in this list 😀



1. Follow the instructions that McBedrock provided (may vary according to the link shorteners. Why three links? Because 2 of them are banned in certain countries)

2. Download the pack on Google Drive (you may need an account and the app if you can't get it), wait for the download button to appear, and once it appears tap on it, and select direct download.

3. Wait for your download to finish, then import the pack by tapping on it and let Minecraft import it for you, or import it manually by moving it to the resource pack folder.

4. Activate the pack in Minecraft, and enjoy! Please make sure you do all the steps correctly to make it work.



Topic starter Posted : 10/07/2020 6:18 pm