Lumen RTX 1.2 - RTX TexturePack
LumenRTX is RTX resource pack with vanilla improved textures, many fixes for MCRTX bugs and emissive entities. Version 1.2 provides full support for 1.20 update. LumenRTX implements unique textures that provide an unforgettable experience
LumenRTX goal is to provide PBR textures that have detailed materials, beautiful bump effects, amazing fog and the best visual experience. Lumen tries hard to give you an interesting and unique experience, with some custom textures, to get the best lighting and gameplay experience
LumenRTX showcases

LumenRTX has several add-ons that change the game visually and give you customization options
(there are more add-ons available on my discord server)
Clear water add-on

Pink Leaves

Glowing Ores

LumenRTX also fixes a lot of bugs

if you find any bug or have any suggestions, join my discord server and advise me on the appropriate channels
MADLAD helped me with fixing many RTX bugs, look at his texturepack "Defined PBR", he is doing a wonderful job!!
버블#5319 helped me with fixing Decorated Pot Z-Fighting and Chiseled bookshelves
Ray Tracing capable graphics card (Nvidia RTX 20/30+ or AMD RX 6000+)
Minecraft Bedrock Windows 10/11 (1.16.200+)
LumenRTX 1.2 changelog:
-slightly changed sandstone stuff textures
-slightly changed TNT texture
-new hay block texture
-improved vines texture
-new bookshelf texture
-new top logs texture
-new emerald block texture
-new diamond block texture
-new ladder texture
-new cartography table texture
-new stonecutter texture
-new beehive texture
-new Purpur Block and Purpur Pillar texture
-new smoothstone texture
-new Dark Prismarine texture
-added fog for Cherry Blossom Biome
-new bamboo heightmap
-new grass heightmap
-new slime heightmap
-slightly improved stone material
-slightly improved Purpur Block and Purpur Pillar material
light sources:
-brighter spore blossoms
-brighter brewing stand
-brighter crying obsidian
-brighter potions in the cauldron
-brighter and warmer glowstone
-MUCH brighter sculk sensor
-added more light to deep dark
-improved lantern emissivity
-improved blast furnace emissivity
-gilded Blackstone now glows (with glowing ores add-on)
-crimson and warped signs now glow (BetterRTX required)
-amethyst clusters now glow brighter
new pbr:
-added pbr to calibrated sculk sensor
-added Entity PBR (BetterRTX mod required)
-added Item PBR (BetterRTX mod required) (works only for some blocks)
-added pbr to Bamboo Mosaic
-added pbr to Bamboo Planks
-added pbr to Block of Bamboo
-added pbr to Calibrated Sculk Sensor
-added pbr to Cherry Leaves
-added pbr to Cherry Log
-added pbr to Cherry Planks
-added pbr to Cherry Sapling
-added pbr to Chiseled Bookshelf
-added pbr to Pink Petals
-added pbr to Suspicious Gravel
-added pbr to Suspicious Sand
-added pbr to Torchflower
cut content:
-short grass add-on is now part of LumenRTX
-vanilla hotbar is back
-Decorated Pot Z-Fighting fixed
-fixed Texture bug (currently only Blue Orchid is broken and glows)
-disabled entity culling
-clear water is now BetterRTX compatible and less buggy
-fixed head in spectator mode
-fixed Chiseled bookshelves
If you want to support me, you can do it and sub to my Patreon! ( ) and if you do, thank you, I appreciate it! It helps a lot.