Vanilla RTX
Vanilla RTX is a resource pack for Minecraft RTX; allowing you to use Minecraft's ray tracing features by providing quality PBR maps and fog configurations on top of vanilla game without altering vanilla experience, bringing complete ray tracing support for Minecraft's default resources while remaining as faithful as possible to all the different aspects and details of vanilla Minecraft.
With over 4 million downloads and counting since 2020, Vanilla RTX is the most popular and the go-to RTX resource pack for the ideal vanilla Minecraft RTX experience.
Vanilla RTX uses 16x heightmaps with uniquely detailed MERs (Metallic/Emissivity/Roughness). Vanilla RTX Normals features complex 16x Normals instead.
- Vanilla RTX & Vanilla RTX Normals cover every possible Vanilla, Creative, Education Edition or secret block.
- All materials are uniquely designed and consistent across different blocks.
- Everything has been fine-tuned for Minecraft RTX.

Experience Minecraft's ray tracing with vanilla textures at their best, all textures are meticulously detailed and consistent with each and every block having unique design put into it.
Vanilla RTX is regularly updated both to add support for new blocks and to improve existing ones, there are also several other optional patches that will allow you to customize certain aspects of Vanilla RTX.
Most of fog colors have been tuned to match vanilla game colors, but if you wish to play Minecraft RTX without air fog, you can toggle fogless option through the resource pack's settings.
Vanilla RTX Public Community:
Watch the short trailer for Vanilla RTX v1.20.5: Autumn's End Quality Update
Full Support for Trails and Tales (v1.20) has been added.

Vanilla RTX Updated Trailer (2023)
Vanilla RTX v1.20.5 (Autumn's End) Images

Vanilla RTX v1.20 Update Images

Vanilla RTX v1.9 - v1.10 Update Images

Vanilla RTX Normals
An alternative standard Vanilla RTX experience, Vanilla RTX Normals features unique ?amp; complex 16x Normal Maps for all blocks.

Glowing Ores patch

Credits: Cubeir & Patrons! Azure Midsummer, Sparta 030, Lonelyhousecat, maekoe, Severin, Rob Duvall, Long Lost Weaboo, Thomas Lash, nattyhob, David, KumiAzai, James Bennett, Mr. Animo, Zane Knox, Kendrisite Gaming, FERNANDO VIERA JR., Joshua alonso, Beefboi, Tung, THE LORD, Yanick Laub, CoffeeBentYukio, kenneth pitre, Jacob Krueger, Marie Antoinette, Zek0004, Brogan Sharp, Dekota, clyde akpik, Gustavo Hernandez, Nicholas Armstrong, Adrian A Applegate, Linuxydable, ChrisTheInfamous, GamePlayer TV, Sebastian, fruhru jfrfrigjri, Martin, Inimical_Divinity, Elmer Salinas, Flan Cakes, Attractive Pants, Kaleb Gruver, Robert Waugh, Fengpo Wen, KloClo, Josh Hunt, Adrian Kunce, Hara Kaza, Dave, Coil, Nox Libertas, Jeremy Perry, Kolbie Rains, WLB, Marc Balzer, Peter Cridland, Venn Smith, Travis Armstrong, Kyle Pace, chrissy something, jj99atw, McMelon, Kavvy boi, Will Ashborn, Tray G, Eric Scholz, Grzegorz Caban, LilTaco, Javier, Zachery Gilio, Dan Martin, The sun and The ground, Alexis Sanchez, Aritsumi, youngman.99, BottleCapJack, Kyle Crays, Cody Hisle, Logan Moore, MexulDS, william hendricks, sun sonny, 80085, David Mannon, Carissa Hurt, Anthony Capraro, Daren Paul O'Shea Jr., Parker12, Sporleing gaming, Elijah Ewing, nuk3y ., brandon, Luke Hinderer, cesar deras, 王一夫, Lacus X230, Sascha, Nick s1027, John Colondona, DawnOfArk, does john, PlayingVoyage, Jonathan Gaul, Julian Merritt, Mylee Johnson, Steve Scott, Brandon, ace518, Matthew Clark, MC_BOMB_27, Myguel Thibault, XboxMasterDude500, Galactic Gaming, Suriah Elizalde, Jonathan Garrett, Raylee Zimmerman, Jordan Harkness, Jason Low, SMaster, cody de ron, WiiWon, 沙鷗 嚴, klzsiz, B E N, jaden allen, DANIEL RAMIREZ, KalueTV, George Musch, Smiletrap, David Timmer, Angel Reyes, Hodas boy, Tony Son, Madawi Diaz, Kevin Martinez, Renerte, ChrisTBv, Churos79, Denys Vitorino,, Mr. Nerd, 想作为 大必补, TheRoyalSpirit, Hasani Matthews Jr., Jesus Went Green, Chance Roasting, Alex Walker, Mikexnx, Jay D, Nightly Whisper, rashura, taf Miss, Caleb Hawks, TJ M, Carson Caplan, シエスタ@こころ荘梨農家, Cynical Act, Colin Reichard, Cosmos, DJ, LAMBERT GEOFFREY, Stephan, Gabe Bray, Brandon Ramey, Craftaholic 404, Daiki Uchiha, Ira Deloach, Alex Chromium, jesse hall, Ms. Wisp, Nathaniel Palmer, Karen, Twisted IQ, Liu Wenhao, Umi Hed, Rcar_50, kheops, 서아 김, Patrick Lehmann, Delisandwich, Failed Gaming, David Marlyne, Russell Tischler, Manuel Lopez Negrete, May, Dark, Torchy, Riley, christo0725, Nash Knowlden, Joshua Tam, Bankai DoKi, James Kelly, Aaron Kirack, GhostCraft 11, Ant, Chrizleybear, Nalva Alves, David Raw, Nate Berg, Haemi, Tyler, Antoine Denis, Gregory Wasdyke, Fabian Schmiege, Relos, Tyler Harrell, GangaLakshmi, Alen, ErenMelo and many others... (updated periodically)
If you appreciate the hard work that goes into making Vanilla RTX perfect, you can support it on Patreon:
Your support will make sure of its continued development and consistently delivered high quality, as a thank you, you will receive updates earlier and directly from Patreon, along with more benefits.

Q: What is the primary difference between Vanilla RTX and Vanilla RTX Normals?
A: Vanilla RTX uses 16x heightmaps, which are later converted to a higher resolution normal map to simulate depth on a flat surface, Vanilla RTX Normals uses 16x normal maps instead, which simulate curvature on a surface and how light should bounce off each individual pixel. Only one can be used at a time, each will provide different looks for all blocks.
Images below demonstrate the difference:
(First image showcases some blocks from Vanilla RTX & second image Vanilla RTX Normals)

Q: Where can I find a zip?
A: You can always obtain the files from the Official Vanilla RTX GitHub repository.
Problem: I am experiencing low frame rate, game keeps crashing etc...
Solution: If you're experiencing low FPS, disable Minecraft's VSync through settings menu or options.txt file, as for crashes and similar issues, they are Minecraft-sided, waiting for future game patches might be your only option.
However It's worth noting there are several issues tied to resizing the game's window, tabbing in or out of game's window or turning ray tracing on/off frequently, all of which can easily be avoided.
Q: How can I edit the pack?
A: Here are some helpful resources to to edit Vanilla RTX according to your personal preferences or to create your own ray tracing capable resource pack: / Nvidia / Microsoft Docs (Official Minecraft RTX info and documentations)
Template: Minecraft RTX Resource Pack Template
Texture Set Maker: CubeIR/Texture-Set-Maker
Q: What are patches? how do I use them? do I need to download them all?
A: They are optional smaller packs that allow you to change certain aspects of Vanilla RTX Normals/Vanilla RTX, since these changes aren't fully Vanilla, they are included in separate packs, names of each one should tell what they do. e.g. glowing ores makes ores glow; you only need one of the base packs, to use any of the optional patches simply place them above Vanilla RTX or Vanilla RTX Normals in your resource pack settings.
Problem: I've encountered a visual glitch/bug, candles aren't emitting light, decorated pots are glitched, spyglass has issues, chains are glowing etc...
Solution: Visual glitches or similar issues you might encounter during gameplay are most likely a game-related issue. You can visit and search for bugs related to Minecraft with RTX & vote for them, it is likely that they are already reported.
If you have other questions, try joining Vanilla RTX Discord server and ask for help from the community, or leave a comment here explaining the issue.
Delta Wolf, Sarama, Zoyander, Sakili, Julius, Noah, Captain_E419, DankLord708, Meta, Matthew E Leiss, Richard Glidden, Isttret, Fredrik Fossaa, Brice Eveno, Matthew Witte, ryan preston meyer, Taro Hino, BenoTek, CS S, ede eeded, Ryan mcool, Jacob Dahms, Teejay Hansen, chris cole, Andrew Cottler, Io, Dapper David, indigo, Dipsy Doodle, Kendall Arnold, Tama, Anne, bigcheezin, Aaron Besson, Nicolas Zuck, M4RM3L4DK4, Ryan Splatoon, paul jeltema, Will, ShadowSix, XODev, Kj Cars, Isaac Snellgrove, Chris, SwissCheezeTV, Phillip, Mark Manongdo, Greg R., Blake R Webber, EverSpace, MrMini500, ID Crisis, Roman Cooke, Jaktt1337, Standa, plasmavamp, Connor Dorey, Louis Baudry, FarSeer00, Tealdragon204, 正太 藤原, Bleak Raw, Aaerox, Tyler Nelke, Stermano, DoutorMaluco 248, Michael Ramirez, Linky-kun, XcomcadX, Mordred, Klaidas Runele, Shai, Jeff, 渓人 力武, TombStone Actual, Dallin, Riley Rawson, AnonymLP A, James Brassbridge, ThePhantomarc, Tristan, Lyevi, Josiah Smith, Peter Thibeault, Lauren Wilson, Cherryvania, SteamB23, Christian Paran, Fuqua Family, Matthew Wall, Bizzl33, Kyle Marek, Daniel Robles, Glass Crab, Gremagol, ShiiEaZyyy, Jacob Campbell, Alex Shoveller, Ronald Carter, flynn hardy, Logan Drenkalo, Kyle Jefferson-Logan, sloopieone, Andrés Zuñiga Bautista, Shell, CJ Thomas, Nick Berg, Conner Simmons, Austin Rivera, matthew evans, Bobby Probert, mc pasta, Samuel Burns, Asche Nixy, homsun684, yambe-akka, Adrian Rodriguez, SigmoidZebra844, T_Snowhound, Robert, jj dillon, Adriel Sanchez, 政 老, Michael Toeller, Pammy Martin, Balas Dempsey, Kxyito, Xivvyy Xivvyy, Devazure, Namwen, Jason Helbing, Slempty, Lorenzo Michelotti, joseph mooney, Hans, Ethan Rollinger, John Johnson, FoskcoA4, Axel Ahumada, Edvard, Kaylie, AndreasSSG, ObsydianX, Joshua Leigh, morgan ruff, Kevin Ornelas, Cole, Chocololate1, Ben Curran, bob grace, Mod3rn Play3r, Jxsll, Keyster, J Buenaa, Daniel Ginther, Kibby, ben jackson, Logan Pryor, Benjamin Battiste, J Kerm, James Covenant, max, Onur Yildirim, X3vanquish3X, Matthew Wright, Raven Greene, Hey Im Komi, 0ld Guy, Chad Lattion, FRED (todelete), Maxwell, GAVITRAXmz Productions, Kyryl Polozyuk, Dave Rishforth, Andrey Lashin, Rusty Shackleford, Gianni Barazzutti, Typho, sean smith, SMSCarter, Harley Henderson, Erick Nunez, Asora, Matthew Hamilton, erik wester, NappyBenny, Jeevan Dominguez, Ivy Steffen, christian lanteri, Mooniiepie, Dying4Loot and all the people who have left appreciation messages over the years, reported issues, etc...
Thank you!
Source: CubeIR/Vanilla-RTX
License: Vanilla-RTX/License
Vanilla RTX v1.20.5 Autumn's End Quality Update Release Notes
Before we get to the changelogs, a message from the creator, cubeir:
Today marks the third birthday of Vanilla RTX! Autumn's End takes Vanilla RTX another step closer to truly realizing the long-standing vision of an ideal baseline Minecraft RTX resource pack. It is a huge update. Vanilla RTX, now starting its fourth year, has crossed 4 million downloads (at least ones verifiable by me) world-wide. All of this became possible and I was enabled to make this project make it what it is today, because of you, and generous support of my Patrons, for what started as Truly Vanilla RTX, truly thank you!
• Launch of the Experimentals Option:
This is a new subpack which will be used for anything experimental from here on out.
Future features in experimentals subpack option might not be intended for every-day gameplay, so they may or may not be added to Vanilla RTX, think of it as a playground for testing and exploration. Keep an eye out on the changelogs for information on what's new in experimentals.
You can enable this option through the updated resource pack settings menu.
• The first bulk of new experimental features and updates arrives:
• Implemented dynamic sun azimuth, allowing diagonal shadows and a more dynamic day-night cycle, significantly enhancing your gameplay experience by bringing more realistic outdoors lighting.
The previous sun angle was at 0°, which led to shadows lining up with blocks, resulting in far less than ideal visuals. The new sun azimuth leads to possibility of diagonal godrays/shadows, the sunlight will now pass in various directions instead of being parallel with the entire Minecraft world, making the environment much more dynamic.
Known issue: At certain times of day, the sun's directional light may momentarily appear to come from the opposite direction, this will be addressed in a future update.
This feature does not require preview or enabling world experimental options!
You can enable it right now on both preview and regular version of Minecraft, no additional experimental toggle is required in the world options!
All you need to do is to change Vanilla RTX's settings to experimental & you will be able to use this feature on servers, worlds and realms.
• Default materials for unsupported textures will appear fully rough.
• Implemented a workaround fix for decorated pot texture bug.
• Prismarine has undergone a major overhaul with significant improvements.
- Materials for all prismarine blocks (Sea lantern, rough prismarine, prismarine bricks and dark prismarine) have been revamped, as a result:
- Rough prismarine now boasts more details.
- Consistency issues between prismarine blocks have been resolved; all prismarine blocks now share a unified appearance.
- Incorrect height values on rough prismarine heightmap have been corrected.
- Prismarine bricks and Dark Prismarine normal maps have been revamped; angles on dark prismarine have been fixed & perfected; prismarine bricks now sport a completely new look.
• End Portal material no longer appears glossy, it is now pitch black instead.
Notes: It is not possible to faithfully recreate the green moving dots of default graphics, however a void black replacement can still be thought of as a suitable alternative to the (likely unintentional) default oily material.
• Updated Manifest and Metadata & Restructured Vanilla RTX
- Added URL and License to the official repository & new PBR capabilities required for new experimental features.
• Added new short, comprehensive description of each subpack in resource pack's setting menu, can be viewed underneath the slider while changing subpacks.
• Modified all jsons within the package to be in an standard and human-readable format.
• Updated mushroom blocks (stem, red, brown, inside and red/brown fungi)
- Normal maps have been overhauled for better natural aesthetics & improved tiling.
- Decreased all heightmap contrast with more subtle details.
- Updated MERs, added missing details, all mushroom blocks now appear consistent.
• Revamped Observer
- Different types of stone parts & redstone parts now match their respective materials.
- Remade all heightmaps along with new hand made normal maps to be up to the standard.
• Mortar texture parts on cobblestone related blocks (such as Pistons, Dropper, Dispenser, Furnaces, etc...) now have been updated for enhanced detail and consistency.
• Issus with tall seagrass top and bottom normal maps appearing disconnected have been fixed; similar issues with Kelp top have also been addressed; missing information for some normal maps has been filled in.
• Adjustments to regular bricks and pots roughness to more closely match other types of bricks
• Updated Cobblestone and Mossy Cobblestone MERs, added in missing details
• Corrected a wrong emissive pixel on sculk catalyst side.
• New icons!
• Other Notes:
- Temporarily removed optional patches as they undergo some changes.
Don't worry, they will return on a separate page soon! each with a dedicated description for clarity on features and functionality of patches. This is being done to make this page cleaner, less cluttered and more focused solely on Vanilla RTX.
Glowing Ores and Clear Glass remain here for the time being, however they too will eventually be moved to a new page.
- Added a new short trailer for Autumn's End Quality Update.
- Added and replaced many images to more accurately represent and showcase latest versions of Vanilla RTX -- Updated cover image to Autumn's End.
- Fixed typos, updated text, updated and shrunk patron's list.
Vanilla RTX does not work on any Android, iOS or gaming consoles such as Xbox Series X|S, PS5, etc...
Windows 10 and Windows 11 Devices Only with NVIDIA GeForce® RTX 20 Series and higher, along with the AMD Radeon™ RX 6000 Series and higher.
Installation Guide:
- Ensure that your system meets the hardware requirements on a supported platform, install your graphics card manufacturer's latest drivers.
- Download and then import Vanilla RTX (or Vanilla RTX Normals) by double clicking the downloaded .mcpack files and opening with Minecraft or Minecraft Preview.
- In your Minecraft's settings, find Global Resources and activate Vanilla RTX. (You can also toggle to fogless or experimental options in this page by clicking on the gear icon)
- Navigate to Video Settings, scroll down and enable "Ray Tracing" option.
- Join any world, server or realm with ray tracing enabled.