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MCPE/Bedrock RUSPE Shaders (1.4.1)

Illustrious Member Admin

RUSPE Shaders (1.4.1)


Do you want the luxury of ultra shaders without the expense of horrendous performance?

You found the right shaders

RUSPE Shaders focuses on realism and performance!


Unlike most other low end shaders, this does NOT have orange lightning, to me, I don’t like orange lightning, they completely discolors builds and makes it have a hideous orange tint, thats not good for most cases, so I removed it. so that means if you light your builds, it will only light it, and it wont completely discolor your builds.


These shaders are original, but I did use pio shaders as a template, but its still original.



RUSPE SHADERS 1.4.1(Original)








  1. Realistic water
  2. Under Water effect(inspired from Edi’s shaders)
  3. Realistic clouds 
  4. Player Shadow
  5. Atmospheric sounds
  6. water waves
  7. Leaves waving
  8. Underwater distortion/waves
  9. block shadow
  10. Non orange lightning
  11. Realistic sun and moon
  12. Sun reflection/specular lighting(inspired from ESTN)


Leave your suggestions or bugs in the comments.


  • Do not reupload without any obvious changes
  • When reuploading, credit me and leave a link to this Mcbedrock post
  • When reviewing this or putting this in your list video, leave a link to this McBedrock post, NOT the download link
  • When shorting the link, use DO NOT USE AD.FLY OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT, ONLY USE BIT.LY
  • You can use this freely in your videos or screenshots
  • Do not claim this as your own

The link has no ads, im not looking to make any money from this, the only real way to support me is to make videos about this.

  • Added "Shader Settings" (Inspired from ESTN Shaders)

You can access the shader settings by going to

RUSPE Shaders 1.4.1/shaders/glsl/Shader_Settings/settings.glsl

Shader Settings are an easier way to change the shaders without much coding knowledge.






Topic starter Posted : 13/07/2020 5:20 pm