Salmon Shader [v1.3.2]
Hello i'm ItsReyPlays and this is my shader, Salmon Shader. This shader make your vanilla minecraft a better looking and more colorful, this shader is also recommended for low end devices. I hope its make your experience more better.
This shader change:
- Day and Night lightning color.
- Sky (day, night, rain).
- Sunrise and sunset color.
- Waving plant, water and underwater.
- Shadow block.
- Improved water color.
- Better vanilla cloud.
- Underwater.
- Nether.
- Day

- Night

- Day Rain and Night Rain

- Sunrise

- Improved default water color

- Underwater (1.17.10+ only)

- Shadow Block

- Day and Night light color

- Nether

- Turn on Render Cloud. (You can turn it off if you like clear sky)
- Turn on Beautiful Sky.
- Turn on Smooth Lightning.
- Turn on Fancy Graphic.
- Renderchunk 6 - 12.
- Brightness 60- 80.
- Resource Pack size now more small than before.
- Changed sky color on Night.
- Fixed waved on leaves.
- Now Water and Underwater have wave.
- Better cloud.
- Now all biome in nether is more bright. (But the transition still bad, hope its fixed on next update :)).
- Fixed red leaves on mountain biome, but when hit by the light it will turn red again. (Hope its really fixed on next update :)).
This shader is still on development, so I will update this shader if I didn't busy, just stay tuned :p.
Have some suggestions / issue? Considered contact me on Discord (ItsReyPlays#1429)
Please do not relink this shader if you review this shader.
Please use the "Recommend" setting if you review this shader :p.
Shader Version: 1.3.2
Note: This shader may not compatible with your phone. You can choose using Zip file or Mcpack, hope it can help you.
Using this shader on old or beta version may caused an error, please tell me if this shader can be used on some version that doesn't listed.