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SmokeyStack's Super Duper Graphics Pack
Since Mojang won't release the Super Duper Graphics Pack, I'll do it myself. Well maybe. This is an experimental pack that utilizes the RenderDragon pipeline. It adds PBR support for all blocks, utilizes fog to create atmosphere, and maybe more?
- Adds PBR support for all blocks
- Some entities have PBR support
- Allays
- Axolotls
- Creepers
- Ender Crystals
- Endermen
- Glow Squids
- Evokers
- Adds fog in the following biomes
- Bamboo Jungle
- Birch Forest
- Cold Ocean
- Cold Taiga
- Deep Cold Ocean
- Deep Frozen Ocean
- Deep Ocean
- Deep Warm Ocean
- Desert
- Ice Plains
- Jungle
- Lukewarm Ocean
SmokeyStack's Super Duper Graphics Pack in action

Known Issues
Since this is utilizing the experimental deferred rendering pipeline, there are bound to be bugs. Or just me having an oversight
- Blocks/Entities are too bright
- Some blocks emit light but do not have the emissive channel
- The sun turns black during certain parts of the day along with particles
- Water looks ugly
- Nether is too dark
- If you go underground, there will be lighting glitches
- While it says it's for 1.20.12, that is false. This requires you to be in Preview/Beta as of writing
- This pack will be updated when I feel like it
- The map in the screenshots above are taken place in McMeddon's RTX Map. Credit where credit due
Topic starter Posted : 11/09/2023 5:30 pm