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MCPE/Bedrock Voxel Shaders

Illustrious Member Admin

Voxel Shaders


Ever wanted to play with Realistic shader but your devices isn’t capable of doing so?

Well worry no more..

Because I’ve created a shader with high quality and vibrant color with special feature you wont find in other low end shaders!!


Voxel Shaders features amazing stuff like glowing ores, vibrant world colors and much more!!


Thanks to these people for helping me;




-Technical GD



This shader has a lot of interesting features that you can enable or disable in settings file!


Water waves(Can be turned On in Settings file)

Water waves = ON

Water waves = OFF

Realistic Caustic (Can be turned On in Settings file)

Vignette(Can be turned On in Settings file)

Sun Reflection on grass and water(Can be turned On in Settings file)

Sun Reflection on Metallic Blocks(Can be turned On in Settings file)

~All the sun reflection features only appear when sunset/sunrise

Glowing Ores(Can be turned On in Settings file)

Normalmapping (3d Blocks)

(More Feature available on setting.h file)


I have asked Permission from every dev shader that i’ve used their code! 

Glowing Ores and Metallic Detection

That’s all for now..


There’s a setting file in shader folder which you need to open before playing this shader to get the feature as you seen above.

You can disable or enable it there.


I will update this shader if i have time😁

Please do not steal any code from this shaders to respect our hard work on completing this shader!

If you want to review this shader just credit me by my youtube Channel;


If you found any bugs feel free to report back to me by my twitter 




Some changes to the description 😊.

Next update coming very soon with Windows 10

support(might be made after android version released)



Download the file from the link(MediaFire)

Extract the files to com.mojang/resources_pack

Go to settings.h file in shader files to edit the settings!It's very easy to edit!

Start Minecraft and apply shaders




Topic starter Posted : 16/12/2020 12:25 pm