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MCPE/Bedrock Advanced SkyGrid Survival (Bedrock Edition) [Survival]

Illustrious Member Admin

Advanced SkyGrid Survival (Bedrock Edition) [Survival]

Hello there! Is Minecraft too easy for you? Or vanilla Minecraft is just boring? You are in the right place! Try this famous Minecraft survival challenge – SkyGrid! The one inspired by SethBling!

This map is unique to the other ones. It has biomes, and the EndGrid!

Are you a daredevil? Get your hands on this map now!

The renowned Minecraft world that we usually play is transformed into a grid of a diverse range of blocks suspended over the void. This creates a challenging and fun play-through to Minecraft. Parkour mastery is vital to avoid any unnecessary deaths in the map, not to mention the presence of hostile mobs. The goal is the same as the vanilla Minecraft – go to the end and defeat the dragon. Only one rule! Never cheat in any means (bridge to the mainland, for example).

No rules! For the best experience, please do not use cheats!

You may consider the use of addons to make the challenge harder!

Creator: MrJohnWeez (Original Java Edition Map)

Ported by: FantasticToast, Twitter Account


Special Features

1. Biomes!
2. Nether and End SkyGrid! 
3. 256-block high grid!
4. End Portal below spawn!
5. Amazing custom chest loot!
Report any bugs found in the comment section

Finally added the anticipated EndGrid!

Fixed spawning issues caused by the recent update.


Supported Minecraft versions

Topic starter Posted : 26/02/2020 7:34 pm