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Biome Jars
Do you boring with normal minecraft? Today I'll suggest you this map "BIOME JARS". This is survival map that has 6 jars around you, and waiting for you to explore.
In this map we have 6 jars wating for you to explore, and each jars has different biomes and some secrets.
Normal Jars
- This is your first jars, When you enter this map for the first time you will spawn here.

Desert Jars
- In this jars you can find all items that you need in desert.

Snowy Tundra Jars
- For this jars you can get snow block, pumpkin and more about Snowy Tundra Biome.

Mushroom Jars
- This is Mushroom Jars, where you can find red mushrooms, brown mushrooms, and mooshroom cows.

Nether Jars
- And this is Nether Jars, you can find quartz, glowstones, netherrack and more.

The End Jars
- And the last one, The End Jars which contains shulker, obsidians, and chorus fruits.

- If you have any ideas or what biome you want me to update next feel free to tell me.
Topic starter Posted : 22/11/2021 11:51 pm