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MCPE/Bedrock Endless Fantasy SkyBlock Survival World with a Lite Resource Pack (Xbox/PC/PE)

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Endless Fantasy SkyBlock Survival World with a Lite Resource Pack (Xbox/PC/PE)


Welcome to Fantasy SkyBlock Survival with a lite resource pack! This is a custom-made SkyBlock map created by iRubisco and iPhosphene on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.16.2. The map was made with the intent to enrich the SkyBlock experience with a Custom Starter Home on a decently sized SkyBlock island, with custom dialogues and trading NPCs, custom command blocked actions, and even an option to go off the grid and start your own basic SkyBlock map! 7 custom islands exist in the vast and endless SkyBlock experience. On these islands, either custom biomes, loot, or custom characters exist with fully unique and fun dialogue. Get ready to dive into your Fantasy SkBlock Survival world and get SkyBlocking! Please note that the map will be enjoyed at its fullest in the Survival gametype.


In this Fantasy SkyBlock realm, you will be instantly greeted by a custom fantasy tree, starter home, cave, ranch, farm, and much more! As you wander up the path to the cozy starter home, you will begin to notice the other islands and environments around you. You will be instantly entranced to go visit each and every one. Don’t get too ahead of yourself though… there is still much to be seen on your custom starter island!


When you enter the starter home, you will be greeted by the butler, Skyfred. If you talk to Skyfred, he will be able to provide you with some background info on the map and provide some helpful tips to some of the many resources the map has to offer. The custom starter house comes with many resources like; a cute bedroom, comfy kitchen, many workstations, and little quest secrets hidden away. Don’t forget to take a look around in and on the tables and shelves. You may find something good!


If you continue to look around the island, you will stumble upon the cave entrance, but be careful, it is a tight squeeze down! While walking in the cave, you will come to realize that it offers a lot of the same resources your normal survival cave would. Maybe if you dig around, you will find some shiny ores and gems! At the bottom of the cave, you will be greeted by one of the few custom NPCs in this world, Qwerky the Adventurer. Qwerky is a key component to your Fantasy SkyBlock experience. Qwerky has the option to sell you dirt and take you to a more basic Sky-island to live your survival experience. Be careful though, there is a catch. If you don’t have enough emeralds to pay the Adventurer, he will take your emeralds with no reward and no refund. Additionally, the trip to the far away Sky-island is a one-way ticket!

On some of the other islands, you will find a jungle with many animal friends, a rocky spruce terrain, an end island with acacia foliage, a nether island with treacherous creatures, and a dark oak farming establishment with a custom NPC named Floaty! Floaty is a lonely farmer and will give you free seeds for a short chat. Don’t skip over his dialogue too quickly though, he may have some helpful advice about the end!



If none of that was enough, we even included a small resource pack onto this map! This resource pack includes things like; invisible item frames and all sided grass/warped nyliums/podzol (it will automatically download with your map when you install into your Bedrock edition/if prompted to download resource pack, please download it). This aims to help the immersion of your playthrough, and cover up some of that dirt with lush green grass.  



We deleted requested admin links and updated the links to solve any issues. 

Added Screenshots. 




The map was tested on both Xbox One/Windows 10/PC Bedrock Editions version(s) 1.16.2 and Minecraft PE! .Please note that this was made with the Abstraction: MINECON EARTH World Template. It is free and will be prompted to download it when you go to play our map. Again, it is a free template provided by Mojang on all platforms. To download, please press or go to the following .zip file link:  


For Mobile Version, the following link will work best:



(Unfortunately, the resource pack and commands do not work for the PE edition, but the map will still download, work, and have what you need)


When you click on the green download link at the bottom, please be sure to click on the option to redirect. Then, once you are redirected to, please wait a few seconds and press the skip button located in the upper-right-hand-side of the screen of and this should take you to the link for downloading the files. Once you are redirected, you should not have to press “Allow” (keep denying and skipping) and the file should automatically download into your download que on your PC. Follow these same directions for the instructional content links found below.


For directions on how to download this map or a similar one on Windows 10, please see install guides section when searching through their dropdown menu.


Directions coming soon for both Xbox and Pocket Edition! Working on all the logistics and programs to accomplish this. 


If you enjoy this map/directions or have any suggestions, please feel free to share your comments below, share the link to friends/family on social media, and make your very own starter village based off this map!


If you have any direct issues, questions, or concerns with the map, please also feel free to reach out to iRubisco or iPhosphene at the following email address: [email protected].


Happy Crafting! 

AllieWay Studios


creator: IPhosphene


Topic starter Posted : 21/08/2020 12:20 pm
New Member

Links not working 


Posted : 11/11/2020 9:20 am